Fantastic article
Zsuzsa Het1.nyi, Professor, DSc Habil. Mn.tosz 1.s messianizmus Babel Lovashadsereg1.ben. /.Under the Star and under the Cross. Myth and messianism in isaac Babel's. Volume I: The History Of Russian-Jewish Prose (1860-1940) Volume II: An Anthology Of Russian-Jewish Prose (1860-1940). /.Babel's Diary - preface, translated and commented by Zs. /25 essays of 25 Russian novels, with co -authors. Irodalomtq.rt1.neti, kult7.ratq.rt1.neti 1.s nyelv1.szeti tanulmb.nyok. egyetemi tanb.r sz6.let1.snapja /.Artichles on history of literature, culture and lingusitics. Het1.nyi In honor Of The 70th Birthday Of Professor Zs. Szerkesztette Het1.nyi Zsuzsa, Budapest, 2002. History of Russian Literature from 1941 until our days./Russian Studies in literature and in history of Culture at budapest University. A book of contributions representing scholars at elte, published for the Year of Hungarian Culture in russia, 2005. Editor in chief Het1.nyi Zsuzsa. A szb.zadfordulu orosz irodalmb.nak to /.Tyue reception of Russian literature in hungary at the turn of the 19th and 20thcentury/. Bergn1 Tq.rq.k Zsuzsa-Kb.rpb.ti Aniku-.L1.grb.di Viktor-Somlu Katalin:. /.A textbook on the history of literary translation from Russian into Hungarian/. M1.langes offerts and Georges Nivat pour son soixantieme annivarsaire. /.About the eschatological feelings in russia around 1917/ La mentalit1 hongroise et la langue hongroise dans la th1.orie de Sb.ndor Karb.csony IN: Langue et nation en Europe centrale et orientale du sii.cle and nos jours. /.Yuungarian mentality and the Hungarian language in the theory of S A shop of eternity - On the structure of the motifs in babel's short story. to /.Tyue metaphors of shelter and safety in the dreams of Platonov's heroes/. Ehrenburg: Julio Jurenito In a book Of 25 essays on 25 russian novels, compiled and edited by Zs. L'.arte del racconto in isaak Babel ' e la prosa russa dell'.inizio del XX secolo. IN: Novelle, racconti e testi brevi della letteratura del Novecento. to /.Tyue art of narration - Isaac Babel and the Russian prose. 55 fejezet: Csoportok 1.s irb.nyzatok a h7.szas y.vekben. Pilnyak. Veszjolij, Leonov, Maliskin, Szelvinszkij, Lavrenyov, Fegyin, Szerafimovic, Furmanov, Fagyejev, Solohov, Babel. V Tolsztoj. Tinyanov. Bulgakov. Platonov. Paszternak. Nabokov. 55 Chapters in the first volume of a to 2-.volume History of Russian literature/. A csernovici nyelvi konferencia (1908) IN: Nyelv, stn.lus, irodalom. The Conference On Yiddish Language In chernowitz, 1908 Egy Babel- short story pb.rhuzamos olvasata. kult7.ratq.rt1.neti 1.s nyelv1.szeti tanulmb.nyok Zq.ldhelyi Zsuzsa c by Babel and a chassidic Tale -.a comparison). Lev Lunz Als Russischer Schriftsteller Und Jude Und Die Beziehungens Einer Erzd.hlung "Die Heimat" zur deutschen Literatur (F IN: Ich und der/die Andere in der russischen Literatur. Zum problem von Identitd.t und Alteritd.t in den Selbst- und Fremdbildern des 20. Frankfurt am main, Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien. to /.Tyue literary self-idenditication - Lev Lunts as russian writer and Jew. and its parallels with German literature, F IN: Jewish Studies At the Central European University II Andor, Jewish Studies Project, CEU, Budapest, 2002. Szerkesztette Het1.nyi Zsuzsa, Budapest, 2002. to /.Tyue history of Russian Literature from of 1941 until our days. Het1.nyi, written with co -authors. Figure-likovi Isaaka Babelja IN: Vizualnost. Filosofski fakultet, Naklada Slap, Zagreb 2003. /.Idea and figure, abstraction in the visual. Tanulmb.nyok a hatvan1.ves Kovb.cs B.rpb.d to /.Imre Kertesz and his novel. Skaz and skaz-narrators the Red Cavalry./Russian Studies in literature and in history of Culture at budapest University. A book of contributions representing scholars at elte, published for the Year of Hungarian Culture in russia, 2005. Editor in chief Het1.nyi Zsuzsa. "Szabad ts.tletek..." Sz?.ke Gyq.rgy barb.taitu.l 1.s tann.tvb.nyaitu.l. An approach to the Eroticism in dance play Bartu.k: Tanulmb.nykq.tet Sz?.ke Gyq.rgy Egyetemi Tanb.r, Miskolc 2005 szerkesztette Kabdebu Lu.rb.nt, Ruttkay Helga, Szabu.n1 Huszb.rik Mb.rta Miskolci Egyetem, Irodalomtudomb.nyi Doktori iskola, Szabu L?.rinc Kutatu.m?.hely, Miskolc 2005. In the honour of Lena Szilard'.s 70th birthday, Budapest to /.Iche, Lethe, Puddle: "the bridge over the river". In: Central and East European Jews at the Crossroads of Tradition and Modernity. Proceedings of International Conference of the Lithuanian Institute of History and the center for the Studies of the Culture and History of East European Jews. The Mind Does Not Hold Possession Of Knowledge ". The Child Perspective As a narrative Method In the Hungarian Literature On Shoa Acta Universitatis Szegediensis, Dissertationes Slavicae THE XXIV. Tanulmb.nykq.tet Sz?.ke Gyq.rgy Egyetemi Tanb.r (Andrei Sobol as russian-Jewish writer). Le corps de l'1.criture dans la modernit1 slave. to /.tyue same as the previous item in hungarian/. Messianisztikus forradalomvb.rb.s a szb.zad eleji orosz irodalomban. of /.Messianich expectations in the Russian revolutionary ideas and literature/. 1.s - Tamara Ivanova memob.rkq.tet1.r?.l (recenziu). The interaction in concepts of Revolution, State and Church at zam'.atin/. The problems of poetics in the literature of 19th century Russian realism/. to /.Mytyu in literature from Joyce to Bulgakov/. Review on the joint edition of articles by the University of Leningrad and the University of Budapest/. to /.Tyue problem of the poliphonic narrator in babel's. On the structure of the motifs in babel's short story. of /.A review of the articles on Blok's poetry and on Russian literature at the beginning of the 20th century/ "" Up "and" down ", Madonna and Prostitute: The Role Of Ambivalence In. "Fenn" 1.s "lenn", Madonna 1.s - az ambivalencia Babel "Lovashadsereg"-1.ben. to /.tyue same as the previous item in hungarian/. to /".Tyue most important is the change within. Het1.nyi Zsuzsa - Shimon Markish: Isaac Babel. A totalitb.rius tb.rsadalom indiszkr1.t to /.Tyue tactless awkwardness of totalitarian society - on Georgian cinematic art/. to /.Tyue specificity of Babel's skaz-texts/. /.on a new translation of Pushkin's Ievgenii Onegin/. A mened1.k metaforb.i Platonov h?.seinek b.lmaiban. to /.Tyue metaphors of shelter and safety in the dreams of Platonov's heroes/. /".A short course of plagiarism" - a book review/. Encyclopaedia of World Literature - additional volume/Entries "Joseph Brodsky,", "Lidia Chukovskaia", "Iury Dombrovsky", "Friedrich Gorenstein", "Daniil Kharms", "Konstantin Vaginov", "Aleksandr Vampilov", "Mikhail Zoshchenko". /.reviyesh on the book "Jews in russia"/. The criteria of the double, X -Jewish literary affiliation. /.Suchches and failure in jewish literature - Isaac Babel and Karoly Pap/ Az orosz-zsidu irodalom vb.zlatos tq.rt1.nete. A short history of Russian-Jewish literature. /.Idea in the image, abstraction in the visual. Dialogue, Doppelgd.ngers and other twofold structures in lev Lunts's. of /.On the History of Russian-Jewish Literature/ A kett?.s kult7.ra allegu.rib.ja Lev Lunz elbesz1.l1.s1.ben (Sz6.l?.haza). /.A peak and a dead end of Jewish literature in "other" languages/. /".Do everything as they do" -.On assimilation, Karoly Pap and his novel. R1.vue des y.tudes slaves, Paris, LXXV/1. In memoriam: Szymon Markish: List of publications - List of publications/Shimon Markish. Order in chaos - Imre Kertesz: Fateless. to /.Some words on the translator and the translation - how we worked on the. The Deep Dimensions Of The Ideas. A concept of "figure by image" - visualization in the screening. From the TV adaptation of Mikhail Bulgakov'.s. Ou: o5 fuir le pr1.sent, dans le pass1 ou l'.avenir. Le premier quinquennat de la prose russe du sii.cle. Interventions au colloque international, Universit1 Paris to ya-.Sorbonne. ".Ment- e a kq.nyvek b.ltal a vilb.g" avagy Hovb fussunk a jelenb?.l, a m7.ltba vagy a jq.v?.be. Did the world proceed thanks to the books. Or Where To Escape From The Present, to the future or back to the past. /".Do we need this man int he new society." The destiny of Jewish culture during the Soviet Era/. On Nabokov and Antiquity, Nabokov and Italy). The History Of Russian-Jewish Prose (1860-1940) CEU Press, Central European University, New York -.Budapest, 2008. The Child'.s Eye - a pattern of Narration in the Literature of Jewish Assimilation. Isaac Babel With Some Parallels In russian-Jewish, American and European Literary Context Contributions to the conference "The Enigma of Isaac Babel" - Stanford University, 2007. "Three Serpents with Tongues and Eyes of Flame". The y90shch-.Pogroms in russian-Jewish Literature (A Anti-Jewish Violence: Reconceptualizing ' the Pogrom ' in european History, 17th-20th Century ". Actes du colloque internationale, Lyon, juin 2006. Le code franc-maconnique et dantique dans. Actes du colloque internationale, Bordeaux, mai 2006 The YIVo Encyclopedia of Jews in eastern Europe. In print: Joseph Brodsky: Watermark = Velencei vn.zjel, Typotex, 2008.: Az alkoholizmus, A besz1.l? kutya, Bn.borsziget. Ivb.n Csonkin Kq.zleg1.ny You y.lete 1.s k6.lq.nleges kalandjai.: arru.l, hogyan utazott Hajim- promise Fejgisz Kisinyovbu.l 1.s mi tq.rt1.nt vele. (szn.npadi vb.ltozat, Katona Ju.zsef Szn.nhb.z, 1989, rend., Az orosz irodalom antolu.gib.ja, Tankq.nyvkiadu, 2001). : Ivan Csonkin Katona You y.lete 1.s k6.lq.nleges kalandjai.: Eml1.keim Majakovszkijru.l ((Szovjet irodalom 1988.: Egy film reg1.nye - Bulgakov 1.s a Holt lelkek - Naplu.r1.szletek (Filmvilb.g of 1988.
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Handmade tattoo machine
. "Nikolai Lilin, tattoo artist from" House of Pain "tact center, Bra, Italy. T-yes é my colleague, tattoo artist of Brazile. Specialized on covers and style it orients them, executes also many other kinds. It has twenty five years of experience in the tatuaggio and now work in the store "House of Pain" Its works is exposed between my images. Artistic collaboration of Nicolai Lilin and Fabio Tree-lined avenue My name is Nicolaj Lilin, otherwise known as "Cool Hand Nick". The am to tattoo artist and the deeply believe in this visual art form as an important mode of communication. The work with various tattoo genres and have operated as to tattooist in several European countries. The have been interested in drawing ever since the can remember. Used to the copy images from books and try to transfer the properties of real objects, people, and landscapes onto the page. The grew up in to distinct siberian community of where to there was not scholastic, let halo artistic, instruction. I, therefore, arrived at certain basic principles of drawing on my own, without anyone teaching me how to get to there. In this way, the developed my own system of recognizing and fitting proportions and obtaining the three dimensional qualities of objects. My passion for tattoos began at the age of eight or nine. At eight years old, the was already famous in my quarter for my drawings. Many people asked me to preseems designs for them to bring to the tattooist. They explained how the image must be composed and created something new every the Time. They appreciated me for this ability. If the drew the same theme ten times in to row, all ten drawings to were different. The always tried to personalize my compositions, to to render them unique. The noticed that many people liked my way of thinking and working. By the age of ten, the already had to circle of "clients" who paid me to make designs just for them, personalized, as only the knew how. The also started trying my own hand at tattooing. Many of my friends asked me to tattoo them. In our society, the work of the tattooist was well paid. It was to very interesting and creative period. The attempted to develop the techniques of tattooing on my own, but it wasn' t easy. The crafted many works by hand, using wooden rods, without yet knowing the right techniques for producing this type of tattoo. We to were all kids and we thought of tattoos as to game, without thinking too much about their significance. When the reached the age of twelve, my father counseled me to begin practicing loads sort of skill, I know the could learn to be independent. The chose to learn the art of tattoo, I know the turned to the oldest and best of the three tattooists in our quarter. He accepted apprentice me as an and the began to long period of instruction on the techniques of tattooing by hand, based on Siberian traditions tied inextricably to the outlaw cultures. The drew to lot and learned how to it composed to subject on the body according to the Siberian traditions. In Time, the began to make small works with the help of my mentor. While the learned how to tattoo by hand, my mentor also taught more me difficult techniques: complicated procedures that yielded more definitive and important results. Finally, by the Time the was nearly eighteen years old, the was allowed to created and execute tattoos by myself. My apprenticeship was over. The had become to tattoo artist. The worked to lot, creating infinite designs and tattooing them on my clients. The operated exclusively by hand, tattooing with wooden sticks fabricated according to the Siberian tradition. At the age of twenty, opened my first the study with another artist, to greatly talented and experienced painter and tattooist. He worked with to machine, creating naturalistic tattoos, to where the subjects appear perfectly real, with incredible results. He taught me how to use the machine well and, after Time loads, the was also executing my tattoos in this way. Also, with respect to the images, the always preferred to follow my practice of "personalization". The invented and drew all the images myself, convincing my clients not to take anything from catalogues or various books with standard designs. I call Nikolaj Lilin, in art "Nick Cold Hand". They are an artist in the field of the tatuaggio and creed deeply in this visual art, that a lot important represents a communication shape. I execute jobs of several kinds and have operated like tatuatore in various Countries of Europe. My passion for the tatuaggio is begun to the age of otto-nove years. From when memory, I have always designed to me I copied designs from the books and I tried to transport on the paper real objects, persons, landscapes. They have grown in a defined community "of criminals", and for this to we children lacked the scholastic instruction, without to speak about that specific, artistic one. In order to succeed in the artistic design me the bases lacked therefore: to sure principles therefore they have arrived alone, without that nobody me taught them. In my quarter, to eight years I was already famous for the designs that I made. Many persons asked me to prepare they the design with which then they would have gone from the tatuatore. They explained to me as the image had to be composed and I created every I turn one various what: for this they appreciated to me. Even if I designed to the same topic ten times of continuation, all the ten designs were various: I always tried to personalize them, to render them only. To those times, many times I have tried also tatuare. A lot interesting was a period and creative I tried to develop the tatuaggio techniques alone, but it was not easy. _ in order tatuare use the baton, much job them make by hand, also without know well the technique just for this kind of tatuaggio. We were all children and the tatuaggio we took it as a game, without to think a lot to us over. When they have arrived to the age of twelve years, my father has advised to me to begin to practice some working activity, in order to learn to being independent. I have chosen to learn the trade of the tatuatore and they are turned oldest and more Bravo to me of the three tatuatori of our quarter. While I took the hand to us, the master taught the techniques to me more difficult to execute: procedures complicate to you, but that they gave to the job a more definitive result and important. Towards the eighteen years, finally, me it has been allowed to create and to execute tatuaggi alone: my apprenticeship was ended, had become a tatuatore. I worked tantissimo, I created infinity of designs and tatuavo them to my customers. I operated exclusively by hand, using the batons from tatuaggio, manufactured the Siberian tradition second. To the age of vent' years I have opened my first study, with with a best artist, a painter and tatuatore of great talent and experience. It worked with the small car, creating realistic tatuaggi, where the subjects appeared perfectly verosimili, with he turns out to you narcotic. From he, therefore, I have learned to use also the small car from tatuaggio well and, after some time, already I realized mine first tatuaggi you execute yourself with the small car. In the years of job with the small car I have tried however not to neglect the techniques it originates them of tatuaggio by hand, always proposing to the customers this special and only experience. The Unholy Ghost of Paul Acker. Vseo menea U horosho vot tol. SONG OF THE WEEK "ASK ME TO STAY" HAS BEEN POSTED. Stop by and take to listen and let me know what you think. More Check out the blog section for lyrics and. NIC I can makes mine compliments I hope some day you of being able to make to me tatuare from you:D.e does not believe that Italy is better than many others posti.dai if puo to console to you also from me.dai sperro indeed that x Rome you succeed to come down I must here ask thousands to you. God I create the man then and the woman, then the man churches to God: but perche you have made the woman cosi beautiful. and God answered: perche you can love it. Then the man I ask still: but perche you have made it therefore stupid. And God answered: Perche she can love you today is last in store and you not were you admit it that you have felt to me to arrive and six scappato. they are sure that six papà Bravo:D. I today have made myself tatuare from ciro. I love the tatuaggi and I will break off you balls x some council. Hey great to see you the other night. Heres that situated the was talking about -. yeah take to look, me and the others to are still making nice loads money. Its easy and the can help you out if you get stuck. I have known that you are in order to become one succeeding writer of. Thanks for having accepted the demand for friendship. THANKS THOUSANDS and COMPLIMENT FOR YOUR ARTE.ti pray not dirmi these cose.non could give to me lousy to ugly news piu ziooooooooooooo the clerooooo were persoooo in order to come to bra.tranquillo ke c will succeed then pass msn yours to me ciaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. What you say me of the new photos. Six in study in the HouseOfPain or dov' other. Those arms are will be at all the reproduction of your friend scomparso. You at all free easy of like me hello a Nikolai, thanks thousands x the rikiesta.da caraglio nn I know how much tos be distant cmq task bel.dimmi a way c we see from you kosi you resume me a tattooo:P. Six invited in the valleys occita some from hour. Hey hello, thanks for req.è a period particular vorreri just to add qualke tattoo to my body (but are a po squattrinata.) I give an eye to yours you work to max see us risente hello hello wow you gotta her new pics. Her parents to are skirt be pissed.fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=1403519&albumID=26192&imageID=287415.
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It is a guide of the sites of loss and mode of weight on the Internet: To follow a mode - exercise - can - time. Mainly, the sedentary life style supports the state of the excessive weight among people. To overcome the problem of the weight, it is necessary to be exerted regularly and to undertake with proportioned physical activity.... It is not the message which the majority of the people want to hear. 2006-05-08 interior Area of compartment-striking the weight-frustration of plate of loss a recorded dietician can help to evaluate your practices to eat and to reorganize your mode for you. If your feet are in good condition, increase your up time 10 minutes and intensify your speed more quickly by pumping your arms. If you already increased your time and intensity, then try to change your activities. Make certain various cardiovascular activities such as going à.vélo or going of race. 2006-05-08 Cape Argus it surgery can beat drugs for the weight losing For the adults who are moderately with the bands moderately obese and gastric - a popular type and in a way invahissant minimum of - seems to be more effective by reducing the weight and by improving health and quality of the life that the behavioral modification plus the therapy of drug, the Australian investigators pay. However, the nonsurgical group showed the progressive profit of weight after six months. Towards the two years end, they maintained a loss average of 5. A newspaper of afternoon published in the Cape Exits - led insurance of the news and sports South-African, with a local hearth extremely. - Life style the Cape of sport of South Africa of news. dk: Web site official-Denmark it Science and HIM new the new research of the national Council of exercise and nutrition proves that people can lose more than 5 to 10 percent of their weight. It also shows that more than 90 percent of people to the diet are again with their 2 years original weight having then stopped their mode. Once that the level of grease - cells developed - the greatest level of the cells shout for food. Official international Web site of Denmarks. Denmark, D and the auml.nemark, Dinamarca, Denmark. 2006-05-08 free Pressure of Augusta: That takes time It is not the message which the majority of the people want to hear. And the theyd rather put their future hopes in a weekly ticket of lottery that in themselves. The surgery is called the gastric bands. A band is placed around the admission of the stomach. It is connected to a tube and a port which is placed deeply under the skin. The port is injected with saline tightening or detaching the dependant of band on the following capacity of patients to lose the weight. 2006-05-06 Of the pillules of mode of Phentermine-carry out your goals of loss of weight Principalement, the sedentary life style supports the state of the excessive weight among people. Everyone can not be mentally rough to undertake the provocative checking routine of weight in its step. What is the alternative more the second. Medical science contributed appreciably in the pillules involutes of mode of loss of weights which remove the reducing appetite, so the ingestion of food available on the market are today Xerisan asa. Given a chance by majority of humanity are more than ready to undertake a forwarding with the moon to include/understand the phenomenon of weightlessness. The desire of the majority of dissatisfied humanity by their weight would come then true. - Pillules in line of loss of weight of phentermine of Phentermine 2006-05-06 life around the compartment-compartments of Tampa Heres a fast recapitulation of the 3 principal ends which I learned. Initially, test to eat 50 PCT just. of something like a hamburger by removing the lower brioche, remember, which is the bread which catches and absorbs any grease. The other thing that I learned is. 2006-05-05 Phentermine: To define the healthy loss of weight Mission of much of years but they always a few kilogrammes of weight lost only. Few people suffer from the problem from obesity only because of their practice unlimited of appetite and to eat with excess. S worse to be exerted during 4 hours and to compensate for this energy eat the whole day without any cut. A person who exerts for1 hard at two hours should have balanced one and requested then the exercise will work in a suitable way and will help outside while descending little kilogrammes of your weight. To follow a mode - maintaining one day became very common as a healthy manner to reduce the grease of your body. Be you also without sleep and upset because of your weight always growing and the obese body. 2006-05-05 Health 24-Loss of losing weight-weight. The therapy of drug can also be employed. However, the safety of drug and the effectiveness beyond one year of total treatment were not established. Copyright (R) weight-loss-and-diet-guide. The news and the updates of the WWW concerning the loss of weight follow a mode RSS
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quotations of? and?nciations - best the po?es of the quotations about best the po?es quotations To obtain your quotations and po?es in your language: ? v?t?e is largest the life?n. It is the only aspect in the life?n which is time the o?ne thing particuli? has exist?t' to indicate when the person has? supported, when he died, and thus for how long?it. The only aspect which is common among all diff?nts?es alive is?. factories with time of m? that the human ones or. Although this aspect is m?, the measurement of this aspect can?e diff?nte for help??anger the particular?rnit?'?e, whether it is a person, or very other?e. These quotations encourage us about?Nous are r?rmateurs in spring and?. in autumn and winter, we are held pr?le old r?rmateurs the morning, conservatives the night. Although an old man I would be but a young gardener. The lib?lism seems?e li?ux people of distance are probl?. The old men begin?e to feel sorry for of the control of the young people when they they-m?s cannot place one bad example any more. Will too much old to plant trees for my own satisfaction, I do it for my post?t?Et?a fine, they are not the ann? in your life which counts. One can -?e owes tr?vieux?e before one learns how?' to amuse plut?qu'?e choqu?N' imports how old a m? is, it observes his/her children between two?s for signs of am?oration. Deaths could as well try to speak?a life as old man with the young people. All would live a long time, but none would be old. There is a no such thing like old age, l?st only pain. More I? increase more than I m?ee of the doctrines famili? what it? bring?agess. It is easy to believe that the life is long and the gifts?n are vast -- easy with the d?t, that is. But the limits of life d?loppent more?dentes. it appara?clairement that great work can?e effectu?arement, the case??t. I am long on id?, but short?' hour. I intend to live for?e only approximately hundred. ? is something which is not essential?oins that you are a cheese. The premi? moiti?e our lives is ruin?par our parents, and the deuxi? moiti?ar our children. The young people do not know enough for?e careful, and thus they test the impossible one -- and the r?iser, g?ration apr?g?ration. One is the r?isation which f?trer is at all n?ssaire. It is a great relief to reach this?pe wisdom. Each old man complains about the increasing d?avation of the world, of the irritabilit?t of the insolence of the g?ration Levante. How pleasant is the o?ous day give up young efforts for?e -- or thin. You can judge your? by the quantit?e pain that you judge when you contact a news id? He is so comic to get along has appel?ieux, m? ?uatre-vingt-dix that I suppose. ?e a good old woman is like death by the drowning -- a really d?cieuse feeling apr?toi has cess?a fight. The old men are like this, you know. He makes the their feeling important to think that they are in the love with somebody. I am not int?ss?ar it?. People who say them to me? are idiotic. You?s as old as you feel. I have pens?ue it?it a quiet time. My ann? ' 70 does my ann?ient int?ssantes and rather serene, but? ' 80 are passionn?. I d?loppe more intense while I age. I want to die of the young people?ne old age m?. So much has? known as and chant?e beautiful girls, why somebody do not r?illent?a beaut?e old women. Us should thus provide for the old age which it can not have no pressing wants of this world to absorb it m?tation on the next one. Ann? hardest in the life are those between ten and seventy. It is not possible that civilization runs in arri? while there is youth in the world. Youth can?e ent?e, but it will advance its length r?rtie. ? you prot? not against the love, but the love you prot? to a certain extent against?. Initially you?s young person then you?s between two?s. then you?s old then you marvellous?s. Old age is not also bad when you consid?z the alternative. Old age is fifteen years more than I am. A diplomat is a man who always remembers the birthday of a woman but never remembers its?. Live your life and forget your?. Those which like profond?nt never do not age they can die of old age, but they die of the young people. I think that what occurs d?l' access in the life is that?n certain? one is always held and stagnated. The exp?ence is simply the name which we give our errors. I do not see any comfort in the friends?n of survival, and remainder only one monument of times which are with the del?Dans the metaphysic am?cain, the r?it?st always r?it?dure, r?stante, not form? imp?trable, and d?gr?le mat?els. The large thing about aging is that you do not lose all others?s which you have?s. None is not so old bus those which have surv? ?' enthusiasm. ? means is when you have rencontr?ant people that each new person that you r?issez yourselves points out somebody of other. Old age is most unexpected of all things which can arrive?n man. One of the signs to pass youth is the birth of a direction of friendship with others?es human because we take our place among them.
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Buy the Tires On line Better | | Estimates | Wheels | Made Rims confidence with my COM of mechanic - house Which IS an air upwards. When ilest- it time to align your car that my car and on the motorway, this means I shake vibrate has it. How you know if your car has need for a jolt of the felt in the wheel of direction are not usually a sign to need an alignment of end before alignment of front end, or the alignment of four wheels because it due is generally nowadays aimed to the fact that the end postpones vehicle can also be adjusted, is made to the Juste this or align the direction of the wheels thus the vehicle is directed in. The caster, the camber, and the toe are terms employed to describe the direction of the wheel compared to the body of. Before tire can be directed inside towards the center of the vehicle "botté with the point of the foot thus inside. When before tire is directed outside, it indicated under the name of "botté with the point of the foot outside two problems can quickly carry in bottom of the tread of a tire and can cause a" traction "in one also to lean inside towards the center of the vehicle or to lean outside far from the vehicle, posing a problem of camber. This situation can also cause the use of tire and a traction with a direction in the end before measurement the report/ratio of the left wheels and right-hand sides between them a wheel is further forwards or back of the other wheel, then usually not the use of tire, but will cause a traction in a direction, and this problem is generally found on. As the shimmy causes and shakes in the front end. The largest culprit is an unbalanced tire or. Because the tread on the tire carries, it will have to be rebalanced to also distribute the weight. To do this, the small weight of wire is attached outside the wheel and a machine is used to turn the tire and the wheel to check balance. The tires should be balanced and turned all les.000 miles (roughly each four oil changes) to ensure the equal use of tire and to prolong the life of band Outside-of-rounds means that the tire carried unequally and cannot be balanced outside-of-round will have to be replaced new tires which were due outside-of-round to a defect of. To strike an edge or a large hole of pot can make release the weights of wheel, and sometimes the weights launch in addition to wheel at the high speed if they were not installed. Outside-of-round or unbalanced will not cause a traction in the front end, but certainly will cause. If you can drive out of a jolt or a shimmy by changing the speed of the car, it is a good index which you have an unbalanced problem. A manner simple to check the balance of tire: if the shimmy is present at a speed, but better or not current at a different speed, then a problem of balance is. A tire outside-of-round or a bent wheel will produce usually an oscillation or a shimmy at all speeds, and the replacement of the tire or wheel is usually it. The regular rotation of tire is the best manner which manner of turning the tires according to the way in which the band of. To cross tires in a model of "X" is usually the standard manner to turn the majority of the tires, but to move the front tires with the back in certain cases is recommended to place the best tires on the front one. The majority of the power of stopping of the vehicle comes from the front brakes, thus the best tires should remain on is "directional" and must remain on a side of the vehicle, since the tire was made so that the tread travels only in one direction. A vibration or the jolt of that is felt in the wheel of direction only when the brakes are applied is not a problem of alignment of front end, but a problem of brake. Have the inspected brakes and take care to say your mechanic about the jolt that you feel in the wheel of direction when you apply the brakes felt by the mechanic to a fast ordering of test around of the brake, it would be also a high time to turn the tires since you pay already work to remove the wheels which can help to maintain up to date to you on.
. Layout I larva that I forgot tons save. MEMORIES OF course it had my middle name on I have planted A it willow tree, willow trees share much beauty tons of ME. I love ton sit there and think so in short they hold all MEMORIES. Yaya (from Othello the manga) during cosplay, before she transforms into Nana hide the orange bars and the words. Shoot for the Moon layout Glittery and sparkely for the more dreamer in US all. This profile provided of www It's emergency special, but I quite like it. this is A COMMENT box that till allow users ton more easily COMMENTS you or if you have hidden OTHER on the left of ton the COMMENTS AREA roofridge you need your friend i.d which is at 8 digit NUMBER loacted into the ADDRESS when you view your profiles type that were it goes into the HTML then they're many different VALUES that need tons changed tons of GET the colours, borders and size you require. if you can't to DO this yourself you should find at editor ton of DO it for you or use trial and error this is A text left that wants let users add/message/block etc. you if you have hidden your contact table. roofridge you need the left that you want by going on ton it then copying it from your ADDRESS bar then decide what text you want ton appear on your profiles that others wants click on ton go ton the specified PAGE this wants hide both your friends and COMMENT but emergency the left ' ADDS COMMENTS ' located bottom right OF the PAGE this wants hide your blogs cunning this wants hide the details section this wants hide the section header on the left handside that stay there even when the box is empty. this wants hide your contact table. remove URL on your myspace PAGE Wedding of volume set in background image. CAN used for engaged couples or newlyweds. Blue gray and black COMMENT box Fagan Fraternity - alian logo Scroll box green for text/code A scroll box ton of PUT code and writing inside. end more over gold to star cursor end more over gold to star cursor. it says showing your PAGE some love. Dino Jelusic roofridge of winner OF JESC lil girl from the ring. Talk and gray scheme with stripes. PUR-POLARIZE with green text COMMENT box Wicked of jester banners with anvil talk lettering MRh extended network banner talk crystals. Roofridge star gate code used, with NO actors go kind of main header of brickies once A brickie always A brickie have A blessed day sexy fishing rod you CAN only used this layouts for myspace. two old of ladies on park bench old one smiling with one big tooth fairy with light in hands animated fishes with CROSS on bake message. All You Need is 1 note Long jessica alba takes A while ton start. Kontaktfenster_schwarzer frameworks, light-grey background and dark red Schrift.pimp_my_profile {Generated RK Pimp My of profiles www width:100%. max width: 600px.} table table table table {width:100%. background image:url(. background image:url(""). background position: -8% 70%. background repeat:no repeat. background attachment:scroll.}.important. background image:url(). background attachment:scroll. background position:center centers background repeat:no repeat. background color:transparent.}.important. border:0px. background color:transparent. background image:none.}.contactTable A img {visibility:hidden. border:0px.contactTable A {display:block. height:28px. width:115px.background-color:transparent. Buffalo Sabres Paul Gaustad layout of better tons thought at idiot than tons of open your mouth and remove all dobt. Talk map with star locations wave it makes your layout of narrower and it is called A "Skinny layout" the Twisted clown bound more member the Norwegion clown the twisted clowns bound layout.Black baking screen, with A woman in orange colours. bootz from charm skool and flavor OF love 2 Has A whole bunch OF different fonts. Credit for the code of goes ton smooth criminal& trade. Shes the one who got ME started on making layout all CHANGE credit goes ton more horse& ton remove the on the left of on your profile GIF "alt="MySpace layouts "title="M. This is my quiz that i got from kelly novel Beautiful of pictures OF Eyes turned in tons of A layout screaming courage the cowardly dog This isn't finished it is just A banner. Alternate Myspace code for gamma Phi delta Christian Fraternity, Incorporated. Extended network banner code, lyrics by Coldplay. DONT GET WAD, GET EVEN DON'T GET WAD, GET EVEN AEROSMITH this helps you hide your COMMENTS snoopy viewers can't READ what your friends write tons you. but in such a way remember tons of ADDS A COMMENT box little girls cry, big girls say fuck. hiding the blog section OF A of profiles. Black background and talk and yellow flames SLIDE SHOW OF VIN DIESEL JARED LETO OD NORTON RUSSELL CROWE MEL GIBSON Glowing text: the Word "Thunder". layout which I made if makin for A layout edit dis code ton of CHANGES how bol italic and underlining looks You CAN out A 4 song player on any web page. Tweaked out Green Flames with Green Eyeball. Brown Influence Background For Myspace. this is lindsy lohan in A hot outfit Radiohead - creep {larva for scooby aluminium} A Fairy With at attitude extended network banner same background as Naughty Fairy extended network banner, just has A different saying on it. A finally Fantasy XII layout for myspace of profile. A simple theme featuring Yuna Braska from FFX-2 A colourful layout featuring the Main three of character OF FFX-2: Yuna, Rikku and Paine, thus known as YRP. A dark layout featuring the Naruto character, Hyuuga Neji. Johnnyrocker777's layout that I scarfed LOL My tweaked version OF The Lion OF Judah. THERE PEEPS ii CKARE BOUT MOST FRiiEND LiIST. New Years Eve 2006 Slide show. This which the layout until is in NO way endorsed by or affiliated with myspace, hi5, more friendster or any OTHER, its licensors and contributors. "would you like tons A naughty fishing rod, too. Remove Bottom on the left of off OF Myspace PAGE. This is A naruto background, fixed code and backgrounds. Pink and gray welcome extended network banner w/heart text call ME when your more sober evanescence my space layout. Spoiler from Batman comics banner, ' I'll watching you. jenna presley on bike contact table. Myspace layout for one OF my Friends Nikki Benz Contact Table talk Nikki benz Contact table with gold suit with chair This is technically my roofridge layout i hope u like it. and "I dont more suffer from my insanity, i enjoy every min. James David's You're Divorced Wins top3 in internationally Songwriting contest. Plain white background, with yello and orange Browning logo. Myspace banner, Black w/blue letters, Ravenclaw emblem. I larva my myspace layout using Pimp My profiles remy mA and eazy e myspace layout (if u wanna take out the contact table then erase the section OF the code that says contact table). Its my home larva suppa fly Sublime myspace background. Talk, Yellow, and Black with the 40 Oz. tons of Freedom album of cover on the left. black pink grey banners for myspace it says dont enter i mean it Pink and black bubble contact box Bubbles pink and black myspace coneting box live like heavn o of eather banners Lilo and stitch layou for mypace Blue and pink contact tabe lue and pink table for mypace. goes with simply green day and switchy. Sunset space Angels Cry banner A layout I larva OF The Kitty From Azumanga Daioh. 67 Olds 442, blue with A couple and light pup into the pic as waves contact table, fairy dust font cool ratio tre in green and pink green balck. says:dogs acres going ton take more over hte world Mike dirnt talks, grey and black goes with mike dirnt profiles layout designed tons go best with the layout and contact table goes best with Mariah layout. This banner which designed ton match best with the layout titled "Tigger's PAGE". A rebel yet A saint/gray good&bad banners saying rebel yet A saint goes with gray good &bad layout. Just A simple code for myspace, my roofridge one on here ME wearing black and she is wearin blue wit pink out LINE. i went all out on this one i hope it works i make all thing good and bath. This code of goes on table into the Extended network your PAGE. It says Believe, Live one, Love, Laugh. Its A girl that is alone and all she is wishing for is ton fly away, ie:the butterfly Gray background wit Blu of tables Gray background with Blue Tables. extended network banner for House, M. like all the otherone i larva it Scribble Hearts {extended network banner}. goes w the layout n contact is in NO way endorsed by or affiliated with myspace, more friendster or any OTHER site. Copyright. 2006-2007 Funky Llama Productions, LLC, its licensors and contributors. New Hot Cute MySpace layout
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If you acres interested into learning more about protecting your assets while being able tons qualify for Medicaid benefits, incoming goods invite quietly you tons consult. His work has been featured in numerous books and publications search as, The Wood Ship by David Larkin, Building the Maine Guide Canoe by. (left) and Taras Petryk (right). The son OF A more butcher into the mostly polish AREA. Florida Cleft Palate Craniofacial Association, Inc.. Russell James B MD Conway plastic Surgery Limited. - plastic surgeon specializing in pediatric plastics surgery, cleft, craniofacial reconstruction M. Gajda Health plus network, Ltd. finished the day 4 for 6 with three RBIs and A run. Advanced Medical & Pharmaceutical Suppliers, Inc.. RRT/RPFT Staff Respiratory Therapist/Advisor. currently holds A brown belt in Hwrang DO and is A current. King & Strey GMAC material Estate., 78, OF Chicago, two OF whose daughters live in. 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(talk) professor OF Nature Studies and truck Instructor in Magickal Practices, Beast Mastery, and previously worked as vice press spokesman for the Free Democratic parliamentary group. CENTURY 21 new Horizons Realty Inc. Meet Minnesota Author and hear A reading from new novel Three Four Shut the Door. I invite you ton stop into our clinics and experience the same feeling as. Parents OF the couple acres Joe and. Richard Helvig OF Grand Rapids and Arlene. That's one OF its benefits, as opposed tons of A hospital emergency room, according tons. Once lakes as kids ' stuff, comic books now acres popular with the more older crowd, too, said., winter park, Florida, helped influence moorlands tons of show. Livingston's findings wants emergency stop that project, said. `` With any trauma ton the eye, excess exercise CAN make it worse, '' said. - Branch manager OF our Atlanta office. has announced his bid for the District 25 seat and. With A used $200 of hand juicer and A few boxes OF of oranges, three friends, Gerry Percy, and Bonnie Bassett., Howards Grove, has been hired as A full time instructor in math and basic skills., Odwalla Juice company Workshop Applying Chaordic Principles ton of Businesses and. Operation managers - Advanced Life support (AS) senior Educator. Each person wants able ton write A poem in A supportive environment, with writing exercises, child and gentle feedback, and A laptop ton print A. The orange County Dental hygiene Society. Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society which pleased tons award eight scholarships for the 2004-2005 academic year: Heather friend, Purdue. Incoming goods would like tons extend A grateful Thank You ton the kindness OF. The Networking EFF place RK the University is headed UP by. six months ago, the new. Editor in Chief INTERESTS: Crazy taxi, Journalism, Making The Site Work, Movies - email: TheBump@aol. 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Institut OF Excercise and sport Sciences RK the University OF. Scott Morley applied tons A trustee and, to innovative more leader in commercial construction and construction. Solano County Small Business development center. Box 55, Suisun town center, APPROX. 94585 map Phone:. Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association Inc., director OF product marketing for Alien, A day and reader more manufacturer based in Morgan Hill, Calif. Marketing manager SCSI Solutions Group - American Abstract and Title company, Vice President/North Little skirt - send at email ton. South Saint Paul Public Schools. Sister of companies Process Technologies Inc., acres the proud parents OF 4 grown sons. leads development OF many IT strategy, information management. As the Vice President OF operation for. Audubon center OF the North Woods., has to extensive background into the restaurant Businesses. But two OF the three of storage water heater DATE from 1956 when this plan which built, and maintenance and upgrading is needed, acknowledges. Field CONTROLLER Siemens Business services, Inc. Wyoming department OF Game and Fish "Federal country is multiple use country, and ton flat country use properly requires input from all those with A stake into those of country," says. Surgery Stadti hospitals Frankfurt high pc., professor OF Surgery, Chief OF Surgery Stadti hospitals Frankfurt Hochst (Frankfurt, Germany) wants. "Production characteristics OF sheet and channelized turbidite reservoir, guards bank 191, Gulf OF Mexico, And More than 85 person attended the opening session on Monday evening, when. is the managers OF the Langley Giants. Autodesk user Group internationally Inc. has been both A user and of developer OF. - Easy ton of Use, Productivity Tools for country development Desktop. wants create A powerhouse company into the sales. Lake Forest Graduate School OF management executive whose job is marketing equipment ton women more over the Web, said, "Research shows that women. A's of pitcher Marks of Mulder tells Bob Berger and. Charles of passport Belizo fiefdom tons son. Paradise Valley High School volume. in Scottsdale, Arizona, has done that. is A published author and of frequently lecturer on. School Directors: (4-year term) President: Michael Eddinger, 2007th vice president: William Miracle, 2007th treasurer:. Consumer Electronics power LINE Communication Alliance. Just email the article ton our. From left ton right: Eugene boron man, Colleen Sexton, Patty Breece and Marianne ext 268 Timothy Vann senior of system Engineer tvann@leojroth. Sheet Metal Workers ' local union 46., personnel LINES division - A life long resident OF Cold jump. Accepting A commemorative CAN DO plaque were, from left, press department manager Gary Gilbert, human resources manager. Reporting ton of Pucci for North America acres: Warren BREAK clay/tone, senior vice president, director OF marketing and Business development. James Burrows."As A rapidly growing company, incoming goods needed A case management solution that could grow with US," says.
Signatures harcourt brace
In red: additions?'?t envoy? Does Pierre Aubrun "noble man", give to the monast? of Nouaill?on "freehold" situ?u place appel?non identifi? ?oins of three miles of the ch?au. from does Poitiers, give to the monks of Saint-Cyprien of Poitiers the moiti?e the?ise of Aill?vec its d?ndances, of the assent to the m?s monks a?ise in the honor of the S?lcre Saint, whom it made build below sound ch?au of Chauvigny, and whom it has?ndant itself dot?d' a ground of a channel?n brook on the one hand, cimeti? of Saint-L?r built mills on the channel and a borough in the ground?oient, plus the moiti?es?ises of Saint-L?r?hauvigny and Aill?plus a quad of ground with-del?e Vienna, between the way of Poitiers and that of Morthemer. The soil of Guiraudi?s was in this. of does Saint-Pierre, give?'?ise of Saint-S?lcre of Chauvigny of the arable lands and a wood, and a house in gives to the prieur?u Saint-S?lcre and of Saint-Just of vine to Breuil, in the ground of?que Isembert, for the safety of? of its Fr? Robert and of his other parents. does the Renaud monk promise three hundred masses with hours and vigils for the rest of? this Robert, and one. 1080 (towards): Do Guy and his Isembert son give to the monks of Saint-Cyprien vines pr?de Chauvigny, in particular?a Fosse of Play, a ground appel?Allemagne, on the edge of Vienna, a house and a storeroom with the wine and the barrels which it contains and all that they have of gold and money (. Isembert II gives to the monks of Saint-Cyprien vines in Breuil, bridge it is the premi? mention of a bridge on Vienna (. does?' give abbey of Saint-Cyprien, by being made there monk, its ground of L?nasse, located along the public highway of Saint-Savin, with vineyard and h?rgement and the right to perceive annually) by which the second gives in dowry to the first, of Ainard de Lavoux, and a house "in the ch?au" of Chauvigny, in the ground of Saint-Cyprien of Poitiers, which owes 5 sums of money of annual taxable quota, of m? that all that comes to him from h?tage. (original Charter of Saint-Hilaire of Poitiers, publi?dans. 1087 (towards): the fr?s Isembert, Ramnulfe and Pierre, wire of Sendebaud, conc?nt?' abbey of Saint-Cyprien all that will have to him? donn?ans their strongholds. does the first make its concession in the?ise Saint-Just of Chauvigny, the second on the furnace bridge of Lurais, the troisi? ?ontmorillon, about to leave for Rome. abb?ainaud a palfrey and hundred pennies, Ramnulfe and Pierre re?vent each one hundred pennies and an ounce of gold (. give the monks of Saint-Cyprien grounds?ill?Pierre II dies in the ch?au of Chauvigny. it is inhum?ans the basilica of Saint-Cyprien of Poitiers, pr?de the door the obituaire of Saint-Hilaire of That?oitiers). Wood-beaten and of the Wood-Robert (commune of Puye), with all the incomes, except a wheat setier which the monks will owe him each ann?. Is the concession made in the hand of the abb?saac, in the chapter of Chauvigny, in pr?nce of the Archambaud cantor, the chevecier Pierre Barbe, Aimeri Sennebaud. confirm? in its house, by its Lucie wife and her son Geoffroy, the day o?l share for Saint-Jacob (of Compostelle), in pr?nce of the m?s clerks (Files d?rtementales of Vienna. convent of Thank you-God a right to cut standing wood in G?ne.?hauvigny, under the guarantee of Isaac abb?de the?oile), in pr?nce of Mathieu, prior of Thank you-God, Laurent, monk of the?oile, Archambaud, cantor of Chauvigny, and ma?e. gives to the convent of Thank you-God his warping Oir?pour to pay the luminary, wheat to make the hosts and the communion wine, with the concession of its fr?s Chauvigny. Isembert give?' abbey of Thank you-God a right of pasturage in their p?rages of Froux (commune of L?gny)?' use of the animals of its "barn" which is above Tournon. They make this donation?hauvigny, in the house of Isembert, with the approval of his Aiglantine wife and her sons Guy and Aimeri, little before the disease of which he died (. III confirms the possessions of the convent of Thank you-God, among which: "the house of Chauvigny, with vines and grounds, and all its. 1201 (September 23): Does Jean without Ground give?'?que of Poitiers the order to deliver to the s?chal of Poitou the tower of Laon Oger?hauvigny (A. king Philippe-Philippe-Auguste confirms or gives?obert, count de Dreux, an income of five hundred books, currency of Angers?rendre. within the framework of a campaign undertaken by the king of France to be established in Poitou, with d?iment of Jean without Ground, wire of Ali?r. lets know that Geoffroy de Chauvigny, soldier, have, in his pr?nce, compl? the donation of its p? Guillaume de Chauvigny?' abbey of the?oile, in Wood-Beaten, Puy Loubin and the Wood-Bernard (see above: 1147-1169), so that the monks of the?oile will lay out d?rmais of a quarter of these fields. Like the giver does not have seal, the cantor of Chauvigny provides the charter with his, out of yellow wax on double tail (Files d?rtementales. (which is not nomm?et ma?e Guillaume, archipr?e of Montmorillon, affix their seals?n act for the effac abbey?, chapter of Chauvigny, and ma?e Guillaume let know that, in their pr?nce, Renaud Gautier and Belle Young girl, his wife, have donn?u convent of Thank you-God their house, their pieces of furniture and all their vines?hauvigny or in the territory of Chauvigny, by r?rvant some usufruct?ie against. of Poitiers, Jean Samuel to reconna?devoir with the convent of Thank you-God a revenue on vines of Chauvigny call? the Quad, another on "new vines". 1245: the pope Innocent III confirms the possessions of the convent of Thank you-God, among whom: "of the houses?1247: Raosset and Brun, of Chauvigny, are condamn??ne amends of hundred pennies to the profit of the count de Poitiers (account of 36 pennies is port?en d?nse "to lead?1249 (July 11): do the canons of the cath?ale of Poitiers give up?ne annual rent of 10 books which them for c?brer its birthday, which?it assign?sur of the goods of the?ch? vines of the Game preserve. Jeanne de Ch?llerault, Geoffroy de Lusignan pays homage?'?que of Poitiers for her ch?aux and manors of Chauvigny and the Plant (1263 of apr?Alfred H?ult. ant?or made by Agathe de Dammartin. of Saint-Hilaire of Poitiers, by will two pi?s linen gives and a carpet?' aum?rie from Chauvigny and two pi?s of linen and a courtepointe with l?eux of prone Chauvigny. of a revenue due to the canons on a bench of butchery it is the oldest title of the files of the chapter (Edge. of Ch?auroux?cte of the statutes for the chapter of Saint-Pierre. Ch?llerault of the chief of his wife, fact homage of the ground of Chauvigny?autier?que of Poitiers, to the title of the ground of Angles that Viscount says it is due of d?nt H?e. by which it?t its s?lture?aint-Pierre. from Bruges?cte of the statutes for the chapter of Saint-Pierre. by the canons and approuv?par Gauthier of Bruges (. parish of the?lises, pr?de Chauvigny, Aynord its wife and Hugues of Voill? sell?' abb?e Montierneuf of Poitiers a wood appel?ois of Charpr? situ?ntre the wood of the prieur?e Chir?t the way. 304-306, original parchment with the Files of Vienna). his wife, of the parish of the?lises pr?Chauvigny, sell?' abb?e Montierneuf of Poitiers all the goods and rights that it poss?nt in the parish of Chir?du chief. 1295 (January 18) (old style): Guy de Montl?, lord of Touffou, and his Jeanne wife sell?'?que of Poitiers Gauthier of Bruges them ch?au of Chauvigny and its memberships, with the homages, the pr?it of Artiges, their revenues in the fields of vines of Charroquo (. Salemon field, with their share of the wood of the Moor and the revenues?ill?u' they hold in trimming of the widow of Guy de Gouzon, soldier (Latin text in Tranchant. is among the lords who carry?que Arnaud of To. from Poitiers by Pierre Mienuit, soldier, of D? appel?d? Wood Bernard, of this wood and pasturage?' use of its pigs in the wood of Mareuille (. of Poitiers by Guillaume Mienuit, soldier, of the moiti?es revenues in a field appel?los with Bruneis and pasturage of its pigs. from Poitiers by Guy Herbert, chevecier of Saint-Pierre de Chauvigny, h?rgement of Mounts which it holds by succession of its p?, with memberships and gagnery, like it held it of Guy de Montl?, soldier, plus some houses in the ch?au of Chauvigny (. of Poitiers by Pierre Renou, Chauvigny, one pi? of ground to the Holy Body, pr?Chauvigny, taxable quota on vines located at the field of Rochefort, pr?Chauvigny, of a house?a Galisi? with one pi? of ground, one pi? of ground?aucourt d?ndant known as house, in the parish of the?lises pr?Chauvigny, which grounds and house are held of him?a firm annual of a wheat mine?a measurement of Chauvigny and to the taxable quota of sixteen sums of money. from Poitiers, by Pierre Galicher, pr?e, of D? ?ouzioux, of a third of the taxable quotas of Challonges, warpings pr?le Pine, in the parish of the?lises pr?Chauvigny. of Lusignan, by Hugues de Montfaucon, pr?e, ch?lain. 1309 (April 28): consent by Hamon de Chauvigny of what it holds of?que of Poitiers, "for reason of its wife", baill?u ch?lain of Chauvigny Hugues de Montfaucon, including in particular h?rgement of Talb??. from is Poitiers by Simon de Pindray, of 11 setiers of bl?c' -?anger wheat, rye and baillarge, in the parish of Pouzioux, 3 of vine pr?du village of Bouchaux, in the m? parish. from Poitiers, by Jean David, of Chauvigny, several ground pi?s, of which one in the parish of Saint-L?r (. 1309 (May 2): consent by Jean of Talb??, house of the cantor of Chauvigny. D? and taxable quotas of the pr?sis "over" the mills with the nonnains of Puye. right to take pots for the use of its house, with the potters of L?nasse, at the time of the fairs and march?de Chauvigny. 4 sums of money of taxable quota on the house that Guillaume Alemant holds?hauvigny for reason of his wife "who was Aude injury". from Poitiers by Jean Ayroart, of Chauvigny, small revenues and one. from Poitiers by Jolivet of Villeneuve, sound h?rgement of Villeneuve with its memberships d?mit? by the?lises pr?Chauvigny, the puy of Servon, Ch?illon, Houill?s. of Poitiers by the Jordan de Monts, servant, for reason of his wife: 16 mines to bl?savoir wheat, rye, baillarge and oats?a measurement of Chauvigny, in the parishes of Saint-Martin-la-Rivi?. 1309 (May 23): consent by Aynor, injury of Furnished?, the EC what it holds of?que of Poitiers: h?rgement of Mign?avec gagnery and memberships one pi? of vine in the field of Pissevin, along the way of Prissec?hauvigny. of the taxable quotas which one must return to him the following day of All Saints' day?hauvigny, which is worth approximately 8 pennies of revenue. its house of Chauvigny, with rock (cellar) and courtillage. of the revenues?a Bedourie. D? among the bridge of Chauvigny and the house of Artiges. 1309 (May 23): consent by Jean Berl? 1309 (May 25): consent by Bertholom?oereau on vines of the field of Breuil. with the right to send its pigs to the p?ier in Mareuille, as well as the other liege men (. the?que one of Poitiers, including pi in particular? of ground pr?du way of Beaumarchais, another with the Holy Body. with the duty of a man or a woman each ann? to transport the hay of the pr?de the?que one which are situ?entre the?lises and the Game preserve, pr?l' aum?rie of Chauvigny and pr?des grounds with the h?tiers of Geoffroy the consent of April 28, by?que Hamon de Chauvigny?'. from Poitiers by Jean Chevill?de his h?rgement of Tessec with the memberships, various sitted grounds?a Pautonni?, in is Peruzo, pi?s of vine?a Quarte and?hantegeay, warpings in Davi?s, the p?rage for its b?s and the exploit of the deadwood for its house, in the for?qui?adame of Gouzon and in the wood of the Brushes the?que one of Poitiers by Jean Lauvergnaz, Chauvigny, various revenues on vines in the fields of Breuil and Picking, of one pi? of ground in the Game preserve, contiguous? one. from Poitiers by Guy de Lori?s of a revenue?hauvigny. 1310 (April 8): consent by Jean of Rivau, servant, of what it holds of?que of Poitiers in the ch?llenie of Chauvigny, in particular one h?rgement, a furnace and taxable quotas in Poitiers by Odonin of the Well, damoiseau, for its h?rgement of Groges and memberships, its wild rabbit, its pr?son wood, its gagnery, its warpings, its taxable quotas of Small Bonaz, its avenage of Groges and Beauvais, all the things which it has in the soil of Bedourie, a house which of him Aimeri of Rivau in the borough of Chauvigny holds. from Poitiers by Guillaume de Gorville, soldier, like holding the lease of the "children of Dienn? the EC what the lord of Morthemer in the ch?llenie of Chauvigny holds?ommage. from Poitiers by Jean of Villeneuve and his parsonnier Pierre Estor, of the ch?au of Miss, the grass coup?autour of the pr?itu?ntre vines of the Small Game preserve and the pr?' Hamon de Saint-Pour?n, and of the remainders of this pr?pr?la haymaking, with the service of a scythe in known as the pr?dans the pr?hauvigny and the pr?e the aum?rie of Chauvigny, more. Arnaud of With, for the ch?au of Gouzon?hauvigny and. 1317 (March 22): act by which Odonin of the Well is deprived of the stronghold of which it made consent on June 20, 1310, in favour of Jean "of Mausayo", damoiseau, husband of his Philippe sister, which swears fid?t? the?que one (. 1323 (March): Does Jean III of Harcourt make?que homage?' Fort To for the ch?au of Harcourt. sister Aalis his ch?au of Chauvigny?' occasion of his marriage with Andr?e Chauvigny, wire has? of Andr?e Chauvigny, lord of Ch?auroux and Viscount of Brush (Edge. of Epinoux, is a sovereign captain of Chauvigny (. 1353-1356 (towards): Jean Talebast sovereign captain. 1356 (June): Guy de Gouzon sells "a portion on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.", in. 1356 (Friday September 16): king Jean passes Vienna?hauvigny, in direction of Poitiers (Edge. the?que one of Poitiers Jean V addresses to the senior and to the chapter of Saint-Hilaire of Poitiers a letter by which it them pr?nte four clerks, so that they choose some to provide it with a canonicat, conform?nt?ne bubble of the pope Urbain IV (Original of the files of Saint-Hilaire of Poitiers, publi?ans them. "gives a judgement returned?hauvigny, in the shape of letters apostoles, to Fr? Jean de Vieilleville, prior of House-God of Montmorillon, which had call? Rome in the proc??ui intent?ar fr?s and clerks, about the food of the poor, the statement of accounts of the administration. 1362-1363: Jean, known as Clisay Talebast?yer, wire of Jean Talebast, sovereign captain during half a ann? and Louis d' Harcourt, Viscount of Ch?llerault, name captain of Chauvigny Jean de Monts, with the approval of the?s of the apr?Archives ones of Vienna G 31: letters of the?que one. 1369: while going assi?r Brush, Jacques d' Audel? s?chal of Poitou, and Guichard d' Angles, mar?al of Guyenne, br?nt and plunders Chauvigny (Edge. 1369: Jean Chandos, coming from Saint-Savin, passes by Chauvigny and moves on Lussac (Edge. Chauvigny, while waiting for the solution of a conflict between the?que one and the Viscount of Ch?llerault, it d?gne Nicolas Daviau and Jean de Barberoux, merchants of Chauvigny, to ensure the guard. 1373 (June 27): Jean, duke of Berry, count de Poitou, name Jean of Rivau, knight, to replace the pr?dents. those having refus?e to deliver the cl?de the city?or successor, it is constrained to prescribe their arrest, it by the m?ation of Jean, duke of Berry, between Bertrand de Maumont?que of Poitiers, and Louis d' Harcourt, Viscount of Ch?llerault, about their respective rights?hauvigny: a captain of the keep and barri?s will be d?gn?t r?qu?ar the?que one and will pr?ra?que oath?' and with the Viscount. the Viscount will preserve his?eux forks feet and one through, which are drawn up in its ground, instead of Coste, with being able to remake them if they fall, but not to draw up others of them elsewhere. derri carries it? ch?au of Harcourt, which bridge and the barri? who are in front of will be d?lis. the Viscount will not have anything in the port Chauvigny. from Paris, which confirms the trait?ass?e April 28, 1377, between Bertrand de Maumont?que of Poitiers, and Louis d' Harcourt, Viscount of Ch?llerault, but the obligation for the captain of pr?r oath to the Viscount of Ch?llerault removes, this last?nt only allowed?ssister with the oath not in?t of service, the duke Jean de Berry passes Vienna. 1403: is the chapter cath?al in open war against its?que, Itier de Martreuil, inter alia causes because the pr?t has tax? pr?de 1 000 franks the clerg?e its dioc?, without requ?r the assent of the int?ss? in order to give in in the?ise of the?lises: one under the term of Our-injury, "fond?par certain Hamon de Chauvigny, known as Talbat". the other, under the term of Sainte-Catherine, served then by Phelipes Duguel, "of the foundation of H?ns de Saint-Pontain and of on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". cur?e the parochial?ise of the?lises?ange with Laurent Dressmaker, known as Small Perrot, from Chauvigny, three wheat b?ses of revenue against two min? and half of ground in the soil of the Field Baker (Auber, "Recherches. on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". Pierre Candlestick, clerk, as prosecutor of the?que Simon de Cramaud, on the one hand, and Gillette Agnette, woman of Jean de Montl?, ?yer, and Guillaume Favre, wire of known as Gillette, other. Gillette and its son transport?'?que an annual rent and perp?elle of twelve mines of bl?mesure of Chauvigny, that Jean Thalebast owes them, knight, lord. 1412: the city is ruin?par the duke. 38, of apr?Chronic of Jean Juv?l. 1412 (September 3): eights of the most notable members of the body of town of Poitiers are envoy??hauvigny. judge of the spiritual court, and Jean Vignaut, judge of the temporal court?hauvigny for the?que one of Poitiers Simon de Cramaud, ask?ames Sovion, notary and jur?es course above, and Guillaume Johannet, notary and for jur?e the aforementioned court temporal, of d?vrer?'?que a exp?tion of a contract by which this one has re?une revenue of twelve mines. Charles, r?nt of France, returned in Parliament?oitiers, which reconna?le right of high justice of the?que one, which had? contest? the occasion of the ex?tion of a certain Jean Porchier, hung by the officers of the pr?t. 1426: lord Guillaume Saintier, vice-chancellor cur?e the?ise of the?lises (Auber, "Recherches. on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.", in. the clerk and chaplain of the vault of Our-injury in the?ise of the?lises are Simon Rouault (Auber. Guillaume de Charpagnes his ch?au and his ch?llenie of Harcourt?hauvigny, with the grounds of Conflans and of P?te, against the grounds of Thur?Saint-Christophe-under-Faye, the tower. 1468: the bridge "is broken and by grant ruyne. sends of Chauvigny in its abbey of Saint-Florent of Saumur twelve drank. the s?chal of Poitou?aire, apr?v?fication, to refund?ean Moyne, "prosecutor of the city and commune of Chauvigny", the advances which it made for the r?ration of the bridge which?it broken and ruin (Edge of it. r?rence is donn?par Christian Barbier: Files. ?hauvigny, mentionn?ar several inhabitants of Poitiers who have there particip??' occasion of a enqu? effectu?le next 4 September, about the behavior of the "pontenier", Jean Doublet, charg?e to perceive the p?e with the bridge on Vienna (Biblioth?e municipal of Poitiers, A. It is the "voyage holy?onsior Fiacre", which attracts in the city a "large assembl? of p?rins from Poitiers and besides, with the statement of the d?sants. The saint Hackney carriage?nt 30 ao? who fall one Thursday in 1498, the annual "voyage" of Poitevins has d?tre report?u next Sunday, September two (. In the article, it holy Fiacre is situ? 1506: Pierre Bonestat is titular Sainte-Catherine vault in the?ise of the?lises. "for pauvret? the revenue of 3 wheat mines which it owes with the chapter is r?ite. on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". from does Blois, Louis XII grant to the inhabitants of Chauvigny the continuation, for six years, of the right of stopping on the bridge, to provide?qui d?le Poitiers, the court of the s?chauss? new the transfer of the ordinary court of the s?chauss? Tongrelou, pr?e, by which it?t its s?lture. 1540: the city is occup?par a garrison of seven men-at-arms and seven archers, company of Fran?s of Bourbon-Sells?, count of Saint-pol. (Edge. the propri?anger of buildings in the city and the suburbs of Chauvigny make the d?aration of the taxable quotas and revenues perp?elles whose these buildings are grev?(J. Soci? Research Arch?ogiques de Chauvigny. 1561: inventory of the relics, vases sacr?et ornaments of the?ise Saint-Pierre (publi?ar Edge. to obtain r?ration of damage caus??or?ise, the canons of Saint-Hilaire of Poitiers announce that to?artir d?t of May, soldiers coming from diff?ntes cities, among whom Chauvigny, went ma?es of Poitiers for the huguenots and have pill?es?ises.?ffectuer with the bridge, for 3 000 pounds (Edge. Fourchiers, otherwise Tourangeaux, arrive?aint-Savin, plunder all "universally", br?nt the doors of the city and go then?hauvigny (Edge. 38, according to the "chronicle of Saint-Savin", transcribed with the XVIIIe si?e by Original Fonteneau of apr?l' which?it then?' abbey of Saint-Savin, volume 25 p. Peu apr? the mar?al of Saint-Andr?rend the ch?au baronnial held by a garrison huguenote and makes hang to envoy?par the king Philippe II with the help of the members of a league, s?urnent. the lev?d' a subsidy on the clerg?e Poitiers, in order to maintain 100 arquebusiers?heval, for the guard of Chauvigny. the admiral de Coligny, seize the city, br?nt the ch?au and plunder the?ise Saint-Pierre (Edge. and the chapter, in which it is known as that the first "had made r?rer the small bridges of Chauvigny for the n?ssit? chapter and Gascon Pierre for five bells: clock, of St-Pierre, St-L?r and?lises. the members of the chapter d?gn?dans the act are Jacques Turmot, chevecier, Mathurin Ferron, Pierre Roy, Joachim Sesne, Jacques Favraud, Domenica Cherbonnier, Laurens. 1580 (June 13): Louis Ferron takes possession of the functions of cantor, on r?gnation of George Biton (Edge. 1590: attack and taken city by George de Villequier, for the members of a league. Louis Chasteigner, lord of Abain. office of finances of Poitiers, 1594, fol. of Poitiers ordering that, to distinguish the two strongholds appel?Harcourt, that of the chapter, located pr?d' Artiges, would be d?rmais appel?les Cueilles of Harcourt ", the other, situ?ux?lises?roite apr?le way leading?'?ise, simply" stronghold of Harcourt "(Edge. some time?hauvigny. it leaves there when Louis XIII comes is molten by "Ren?illon, commercial founder of bells. Petitpas, sub-lessee of the assistances, followed of a judgement and "lettres. melt a confr?e of the rosary in the?ise Saint-Pierre. s?chal of Chauvigny of enl?ment of the stone tombs which covered s?ltures with the r?rm?dans the cimeti? of Saint-L?r, in ex?tion of a judgement, given?a requ?, by the pr?dial. of the king d?ndant with the Protestants to exert their worship?1651 (October 21): from does Bourges, Louis XIV mande with the tr?riers of France?oitiers to make?blir without delay a bridge of boats?hauvigny, to allow him occupy the city in the name of the Princes its soldiers make largest exc? invade Saint-Pierre, drive out of them the canons of the inhabitants of the parish of the?lises, for d?b?r on an act of November 18, 1655, per which Fran?s Maisonnier?yer, sior of Robini? and of Rivi?-with-Chirets, 100 pennies per annum revenue gives to the chapter, assign?sur its house of Rivi?-with-Chirets, with the help of an annual mass of the following day of F? tr?ss? and two oil pots each ann?pour to help?' maintenance of the lamp of the?ise, if the inhabitants accept the concession of a bench. Eustace Roy, pr?e and canon in the?ise Saint-Pierre, cur?es?lises (Auber, "Recherches. Saint-Pierre-les-?lises. ", in. is parish of the?lises held by Eustace Roy, who r?ge are in fran?s in the margin (Auber, "Recherches. on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.", in?ises r?rm? of Poitou?h?llerault. only one d?gu?epr?nte Montreuil-Bonnin, Chauvigny and Saint-Savin. it is old, the three?ises. of the king ordering the prohibition of the Protestant worship?hauvigny. Pierre Fort, vicar perp?el, request with the parishioners parishioners a judgement which condemns them?erser to the pr?e 25 pounds annual while waiting for that the home is B?. 1677, Fort, aid?e "five or six garnemens", d?ge of force a farmer of the chapter to seize its house of a m?irie of the chapter whose housing, of apr?le under-cantor, consists of a room and an anteroom or d?arge, but the pr?e estimates that it acts of old the presbyt? : the home is distant?ise of "pr?de six twenty steps" and one of its rooms is an old vault thus gains a proc?contre the chapter, but, on call of this last, new a arr?lui enjoint to empty the places time, it had propos?u chapter to make build two rooms "above an antique vault still upright in on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". and vicar perp?el, chooses the adequate portion, in cons?ence. on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". from does Poitiers officiate?ontmorillon, y D? in Augustins. proc?re about the novales of the for? disput? between the cur?e Lauthiers and the chapter, which r?re?n act d?gnant Andr?e Chauvigny, Pierre de Gouzon and Jean of Germany, lord of Mouriers (Auber, "Recherches. on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.", in. Files of Vienna, Saint-Pierre-les-?lises). of visit of the fields of the?ch?qui announces that the bridge on Vienna is "all mazure ruin?t" and that the travers?est assur?par "large a charri?, a common boat?asser eight?ix horses and another small barge?asser three or four people "(Edge. 152), that the ch?au is abandonn?t in ruins (. large s?naire. confirm?par letters patent enregistr?. 1691 (Tuesday June 12): the round of applause of Auvergne sleeps. from Burgundy east?hauvigny, coming from Montmorillon (. of the king, ordering the foundation of a h?tal?hauvigny. Louis XIV for the ex?tion of the arr?du council of the king carrying?blissement h?tal of Chauvigny (farm text of the baronnie, like receiver of the h?tal (. parishioners of the?lises?' resulting from the mass c?br?par Joseph de Lestang: the sexton, an Unlucky sior, asks the cur?' to accept for his successor, apr?son d?s. engages?onner with the cur?ne black chasuble "as a sign of taking possession of the sacristy" (Auber, "Recherches. on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.", in. "old register of d?b?tions, conserv?1698: Jeanne Denizon, widow of Daniel Dor?l?e his house?a cure of St-Pierre to do one of them. 1707 (October 22): the chocolate éclairs hospitali?s of the Institute of Saint-Fran?s the Dirty ones are charg?. from Paris d?arge the?que one of any obligation of r?rer the ch?au, of apr?un proc?verbal of visit of the 2 and 3 April pr?dents noting that all constructions?ient "ruin absolutely?, mesme. ordering king that the inhabitants will name each ann?un syndic, with the agr?nt of the intendant (Edge. Fran?se Marie Mesnard of Tascherie, and Fran?se Mesnard of Gaudini?s, are committed?enir a free charitable?le for the girls of Chauvigny (. is composed of six chocolate éclairs profess and a sister converses (Edge. which especially has caus?n great damage in the street of Saint-Just. there were two houses of fondues, that of Martial L?r and who reverses several houses and barns in the street of Saint-Just, which is submerg?sur a height of three feet water of Vienna go up until above the mill of Saint-L?r, comes until?a large door from the s?chal from Luzines, reverses 25 houses along the brook and 5 in Ch?liers. who is situ?ans the direction of march of Saint Martin's day and way of this road?'?ise of the?lises, of a surface from approximately 6 boissel?, is conc? ?acques Bonpays, ma?e my?, in the following conditions: will the craftsman have to use the tombs for?proud around the building a wall of stones s?es of 4? feet top, before laying out about it for any other use. it is committed?ntretenir the cover of the?ise Saint-Pierre and theSaint-Henri vault which in d?nd and??ser bones in a pit open in the cimeti? in use act notari?ar Pierre Baker). the?que one orders the ali?tion of Large Cimeti?. on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". of a bell of Saint-Pierre appel?Pierre, melted with the m?l. 1753 (March 15): letter of the cur?e?que Saint-Just?', announcing that the sisters of the h?tal don't make their p?es?'?ise parochial and are made m? to bury in their vault, by the canons of Saint-Pierre who are charg?depuis some ann?. ?'?ise of the?lises, the workmen extract from mat?aux "from the northern part of the cimeti? adjacent. The canons make a descent on the spot: they make it possible the ma?s to employ the stones and sand D? shooting? but the sarcophagi d?uverts r?rvent, "of which one sold for a rather handsome price a certain number each ann?. on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". is nivel?par the care of Mr.?hauvigny?a fine of the XVIIIe si?e, in. 354-358, with board repr?ntant the "ch?au. 1775: Henri Filleau, lawyer of the king to the pr?dial of Poitiers, acquires Groges by his marriage with a young lady on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". of entr?est surmont?de the inscription 1778 (Auber. 1777 (January 23): visit vault Saint-Henri. books with the inhabitants of the parish and 634 pounds with the d?mateurs. Pierre-Augustin Delauzon (Ren?rozet. 1778 (May 26): does house located "place Saint-L?r who in the past?it the cimeti? ?ise ". 1778 (June 16): will act locating house and garden of Pierre-Augustin Delauzon, in main street (. cantor of the chapter of Chauvigny, "d?ara to be able to sign?ause its large?s and infirmit? (Auber. on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". by the front?a place and march?e Saint-L?r which in the past?it the cimeti? of the aforesaid place "(Ren?fabrique of St-L?r and the sior Minel, the town of Blois, for the recasting of a bell cass?de the?ise (Edge. of St-L?r and the sior Minel for the recasting of the" gross by 24 people, in qualit?e cotenanciers (among which Jacques de Lauzon, qualifi?ourgeois of Chauvigny), of a noble revenue, fonci? and f?ale of two capons and 25 pennies of taxable quota, portable and rendable?a seigniory of Talb??, ?a holy Michel, towards Pierre Coulon, commercial?hauvigny. on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". on the royal road coming from Poitiers, has been broken (. r?dant?hauvigny for sixteen years, announcing that it never has re?aucune r?ibution for its load of m?cin. Chauvigny, "apr?quelques clamours and assemblies of women"?a continuation of purchase and enl?ment of bl?paroisses neighbouring make a request "to obtain the?blissement. saves the life of a merchant whom a crowd wants to hang but a fine of 50 books inflicts to him, as possessive (. addresses a letter to the mayor and officers municipal" so that it is provided body of a suitable and convenient guard so that the inhabitants. Silvain Lochon and Louis Audru address a letter to the mayors and to municipal officers of the three communes, to require of them to put an end to plunderings which multiply, in particular by the institution of "guards. Dor?cur?e Saint-L?r, Pr? oath. commune of Chauvigny, announces by letter to the municipal officers that the boats of the port are in tr?mauvais?t, in particular that largest, appel?a charri?, is out of service. Saint-L?r are br?s on the place (. of Vienna having d?d?e to remove the parochial service?t-L?r, the cur?e St-Just, Camuzard, accompagn?e the municipalit?va to seek the vases sacr??t-L?r and transports them?t-Just (Edge. Low Sunday, which left Saint-L?r traditionally to go?laisance, start from Saint-Just, but, with the return, the former parishioners of Saint-L?r require that it finish?aint-L?r, according to the habit, by a mass. of does Saint-Just have to bring the Blessed Sacrament in the?ise d?ffect? During the reading of the?angile, a part of the assistance inserts the door of the sacristy to make sure that the vestments. does commune of Poitiers send?hauvigny the proc?verbal its r?ion of the 5 ao? "so that the citizens take the weapons and leave their hearths to go compl?r. ch?au baronnial, with the gardens and the slope which d?ndent some, for 3 000 pounds??me Ledoux, notary (text?oseph Magnon, miller of the Mill of the Injuries, for 15 600 pounds g?ral of the commune of Chauvigny, relating to the maximum. 1795 (Sunday June 17): the worship is r?bli. 1799: the south-eastern angle of the keep of the ch?au baronnial?oule during one night of winter (Edge. the thunder falls on the bell-tower from Saint-Pierre that it d?uvre partly, breaks the frame, d?riore.?lises is supprim?et its territory partag?ntre Saint-Just and Saint-Pierre de Chauvigny. Saint-Just the suburb of Aum?rie, the Red House, Charraud, Galisi?, Guet, with some of the hamlets which border on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". who makes St-L?r the r?issant?ise of a parish. 1806 (March 21): at the time of a rising of Vienna, several people drown while crossing it?autor of the Mill. the factory of St-Pierre?endre to the ench?s the b?ments?mployer the price with the r?rations of St-Pierre (Edge. 1809: the burials cease in the cimeti?. are that of Saint-Martial. the burials transf?es with the cimeti? of Our-injury of gr.?, for the two parishes. Does work in the?ise Saint-Pierre (. put?rofit the p?ode?age to continue passage of Vienna to the vat, the Town council requests the granting of a r?rb? ?uatre m?es, on each bank, of October 15 at March 15, "as well to be used as lamp during the dark nights and the fogs of these months as for emp?er the d?vage of the boats and to facilitate the loading and d?rquement men, animals and objects which arrive?hauvigny or in to find a room for a house of city, including/understanding two or three pi?s for the town hall and a housing of caretaker, to replace the house o?a town hall is install?depuis 22 years, which it intends for housing cur?e Saint-L?r. "that of both?ises o?e divine service would not be c?br?A this moment, it is Saint-L?r who is used as?ise for the two parishes, but its?t is tel. notes: "It is necessary that it is proc? as many promptly than possible with r?blissement the covers above worship, considering the?t of d?adation of Saint-L?r. Opening of the small door of the southern brace requires that the g?raux vicars or the?que one order the translation of the divine service as Saint-Just, malgr?' obstruction of the cur?e Saint-L?r, Chauvin (. avanc?car in the six months pr?dents, under-pr?t, the Town council notes the deficiency of the autorit?civiles and, also, the "obstacles", even the "machinations". prescribing the translation of the religious service of St-L?r?e wish of the inhabitants. St-Just is plac?"sous the invocation of Tr?Sainte Vierge and under the d?mination of Our-injury". is r?blie by ordinance of Jean-Baptist de Bouill??que. Couh?st nomm?ur?Auber. on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". are enterr?les inhabitants of the Saint-L?r parish. to?rgir the bed of the brook of the h?tal and the streets of St-Just and of Barri?s (Narcisse Piorry. of an important restoration campaign of the?ise Saint-Pierre. manufactures it Our-injury?onc?r the common?ise St-L?r?a to?blir there a town hall and a market (Edge. of Poitiers?vallon having to cross the site r?rv?ux fairs and march? does the Town council consider Cr? another march?ui "would be used for?ontenir the pigs and the sheep"?a junction of the streets of the Mill-Saint-Just, Berry, the Three-Kings and Faideau. according to the tradition, this place held the march?ux provisions of the inhabitants of the low city. of the chief of Martial saint in the?ise Saint-Pierre (. with the Town council of "d?b?r on the request?dresser with the government of the construction of a bridge in wire on Vienna, with the passage of this city, and on the quotit?1833 (November 25): the suspension bridge is livr?au minister: "In this?t of things and considering the always increasing exasp?tion, it is advisable to pr?nir sc?s of d?rdre which will not delay?e to reproduce". inhabitants?ient m?ntents to have?ayer the p?e, however r?it of moiti?our them on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". Soci? Antique dealers of the West two milliary columns which formed the jambs of a door?' entr?d' a vine, pr?du cimeti? ?lises (Edge. 1835 (towards): Jean Bozier, who directs a "manufacture" of "fa?ce white and pottery" in Maras, settles. 1836: ach?ment tron? Chauvigny-saint-Savin. on Saint-Pierre-les-?lises.". Do Narcisse), m?cin?hauvigny, give a milliary column?a Soci? Antique dealers of the West (Edge. of Saint-Pierre, appel?Elisabeth Victoire godfather Armand Henri Germonneau of Charraud, godmother Elisabeth Victoire Gastebois, widow. Fran?s Pineau acquires the ruins of the ch?au baronnial. many bones put at the day (Auber, "Recherches. Saint-Pierre-les-?lises. ", in pr?cup?ar the restriction of the site" affect? behaviour of the fairs and march?, charge the mayor. Dor?our acqu?r its field, in the south of Montauban, of a surface of more than 4 hectares (. baronnial?'?at, for the sum of 3125 franks, by Fran?s Pineau, propri?anger, remaining?a Villedieu, and Marie-Hortense-Elisabeth Couasnon, her?use, acqu?urs in November 1838 (text publi?ar Edge. Our-injury by Joly the Term (Edge. pr?ctoral d?dant that the road of Tournon (current road of Puye)"would follow, while arriving?hauvigny, the direction by the slope Is ch?au, such as the Town council, in her d?b?tion of January 22, 1844, A r?am?comme?nt for the Commune d?vantageux by the vichoune of the Bar (. the question of a new fairground. it authorizes the mayor?cqu?r a piece of the Dor??' field is, of the?resque painting of the?ise Our-injury (Edge. high is troubl?par a political brawl (pol. Jouteau. the murals of Saint-Pierre-les-?lises (N. 26, 1988, without pagination. Yves Jean Riou). 1852: Pierre Faulcon becomes propri?anger. of fair, the Town council decides d?rmais for a piece located western?' Dor?en field borders of Vienna, with the hope that this one will become navigable (. of police force g?rale for the city (pol. Jouteau. the acquisition of a piece of one hectare in the medium of the field Dor?pour a fairground to oxen (. municipal of the d?nitif project of r?ration of the?ise. of plantation of two rows of trees around the new fairground. Let us point out what the premi? d?b?tion concerning the fairs and march?date of 1826. adress?ux members of a commission charg?d' a enqu? on a project of railroad of Poitiers?imoges, tightening??ntrer that, on the Poitiers-Montmorillon section, a passage by Chauvigny would be pr?rable with the projet?que way the law of July the 12 pr?dent allows esp?r that Chauvigny could?e soon reli? the iron line of Poitiers?imoges by a railway? approve a project of construction of a railroad of Ch?llerault?hauvigny, with station between the mill of the Injuries and the city. ?inq arches is livr? circulation (Edge. the d?ssion of the mayors of the three communes (pol. Jouteau. of Ren?aulcon, C? the mill of Saint-L?r?arc Roy and Silvine Boutet, its wife (. of R?blique d?vre of its cha?s that of. 1872 (May 12): the Town council names a commission to seek the most advantageous site for d?acer the march?ux pigs which is held with the bedside of the?ise. from does Vienna vote the classification "imm?at and d?nitif" in local railroad of int?t of three lines, of which that of Ch?auroux?oitiers by Saint-Savin, Chauvigny and Saint-Julien, and allots to them a subsidy of 5355 franks par. that the railroad of Ch?auroux?oitiers by Saint-Savin, Paizay, Chauvigny and Saint-Julien, has? "class?ar the G?ral Council of Vienna among those which have vote a sum of 150 franks for the expenses of a public r?uissance?' occasion of the next opening of the new field. It acts of a piece western situ??' of that which has? acquired in 1859-1860. the fairground. a imp?additionnel of 10 centimes per frank on the four direct taxation, during a 10 years p?ode?itre of subsidy is d?s?sur the office of the Council G?ral, product of a made subscription?hauvigny for the line to indicate the pr?sible importance of the traffic on the railway? by the j?ites (pol. Jouteau. of a bell of Saint-Pierre. godfather Charles Slicing, former adviser of?at, godmother Louise F?cit?u Bost (. about the site of the station and the way to acc??artir of the city. it proposes to distract approximately 33 ares from the commune of Jardres so that the station is in the commune of Chauvigny (. the "plan of the part of the ordinary local road, r?au. a commission charg?de to seek a site for the?fication. station is dress?qui is rectifi?e January 12. "of the h?tiers Th?net, approximately a third of the keep". "with the profit of the poor?' occasion of the inauguration of without train: indeed, all the opening of the traffic is pr?pour, but there is not yet of station master (. See also, under another angle, pol. Jouteau. section of the railway line of Poitiers to the White, until?parcelle of the Dor?itu?en field borders of Vienna. p? Marc as miller of the mill of Saint-L?r (. Marcel Penot, prohibiting the processions on the public highway which?ient cause of d?rdres provoqu?par opponents (pol. Jouteau. with the cur?e Our-injury in r?nse?ne letter of. Small Chauvinois ", disappeared in 1895 (pol. Jouteau. common of Saint-Martial, by the mayor C?stin Jouteau (pol. Chauvinois", which had only some num?s (pol. Jouteau. cur?e Saint-Jean-l' Evang?ste de Ch?llerault, and its sister Miss D?r?Gu?n, sell the ch?au of Gouzon?'?at, by preserving usufruct, except for Minister for the Instruction and Beautiful Arts on September 12 (CH In this article, Tranchant announces that Flins is occup?ar an inn. of Chauvigny ", which undergoes the m? leaves that "le. 1898: Pol. Jouteau launches "the Small Social one". train of Poitiers to the White?hauvigny, by means of a block populates ", street of Berry (pol. Jouteau." R?il Chauvinois ", by pol. Jouteau. disappeared during house from the trade unions, is open in a room contiguous?'?le maternal, street of Ch?llerault (pol. Jouteau. popular?' occasion of a contest of music in which eleven take part soci?s musical, plus Bigotphoneux de Ch?llerault. Antique dealers of the West?t a wish in favour of the pr?rvation of the house known as of Templiers, which is menac?de d?lition by a project of passage of the" tram "by the street of Ch?llerault. of sout?ment, along Vienna, between the bridge and the House, for y am?ger a walk plant?de limes (. Ch?llerault-Chauvigny tram. the line arr? ?a station known as of Saint-Martial, appel?localement "of municipal of bakery, street Saint-L?r, to face?ne crisis n?de price control of the bread (pol. Jouteau. p?, m? name, as miller of the mill Saint-L?r. balls for the bells of Saint-Pierre (.?ouard Herriot, passes?hauvigny o?l makes a speech and signs the municipal register (pol. Jouteau. public for the inauguration of the service of water and the fiftieth anniversary preserves a broad way open in the district of Ch?lliers, appel?alors "known the tram" and baptis?ensuite. p? Auguste as miller of the mill of Saint-L?r (. of a factory of 5 000 m2, for the storage of the production of the porcelain factory of the street Vassalour, the pr?ration of the orders. of an autonomous factory of manufacture of cups and saucers (. place Our-injury which put at the day of the s?ltures m??les.
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