
Fantastic article

Zsuzsa Het1.nyi, Professor, DSc Habil. Mn.tosz 1.s messianizmus Babel Lovashadsereg1.ben.             /.Under the Star and under the Cross. Myth and messianism in isaac Babel's. Volume I: The History Of Russian-Jewish Prose (1860-1940)             Volume II: An Anthology Of Russian-Jewish Prose (1860-1940).             /.Babel's Diary - preface, translated and commented by Zs. /25 essays of 25 Russian novels, with co -authors. Irodalomtq.rt1.neti, kult7.ratq.rt1.neti 1.s nyelv1.szeti tanulmb.nyok. egyetemi tanb.r sz6.let1.snapja /.Artichles on history of literature, culture and lingusitics. Het1.nyi In honor Of The 70th Birthday Of Professor Zs. Szerkesztette Het1.nyi Zsuzsa, Budapest, 2002. History of Russian Literature from 1941 until our days./Russian Studies in literature and in history of Culture at budapest University. A book of contributions representing scholars at elte,   published for the Year of Hungarian Culture in russia, 2005. Editor in chief Het1.nyi Zsuzsa. A szb.zadfordulu orosz irodalmb.nak to /.Tyue reception of Russian literature in hungary at the turn of the 19th and 20thcentury/. Bergn1 Tq.rq.k Zsuzsa-Kb.rpb.ti Aniku-.L1.grb.di Viktor-Somlu Katalin:. /.A textbook on the history of literary translation from Russian into Hungarian/. M1.langes offerts and Georges Nivat pour son soixantieme annivarsaire.             /.About the eschatological feelings in russia around 1917/ La mentalit1 hongroise et la langue hongroise dans la th1.orie de Sb.ndor Karb.csony             IN: Langue et nation en Europe centrale et orientale du sii.cle and nos jours.             /.Yuungarian mentality and the Hungarian language in the theory of S A shop of eternity - On the structure of the motifs in babel's short story.             to /.Tyue metaphors of shelter and safety in the dreams of Platonov's heroes/. Ehrenburg: Julio Jurenito In a book Of 25 essays             on 25 russian novels, compiled and edited by Zs. L'.arte del racconto in isaak Babel ' e la prosa russa dell'.inizio del XX secolo.             IN: Novelle, racconti e testi brevi della letteratura del Novecento. to /.Tyue art of narration - Isaac Babel and the Russian prose. 55 fejezet: Csoportok 1.s irb.nyzatok a h7.szas y.vekben. Pilnyak. Veszjolij, Leonov, Maliskin, Szelvinszkij, Lavrenyov, Fegyin, Szerafimovic, Furmanov, Fagyejev, Solohov, Babel. V Tolsztoj. Tinyanov. Bulgakov. Platonov. Paszternak. Nabokov. 55 Chapters in the first volume of a to 2-.volume History of Russian literature/. A csernovici nyelvi konferencia (1908) IN: Nyelv, stn.lus, irodalom. The Conference On Yiddish Language In chernowitz, 1908 Egy Babel- short story pb.rhuzamos olvasata. kult7.ratq.rt1.neti 1.s nyelv1.szeti tanulmb.nyok Zq.ldhelyi Zsuzsa c by Babel and a chassidic Tale -.a comparison). Lev Lunz Als Russischer Schriftsteller Und Jude Und Die Beziehungens Einer Erzd.hlung "Die Heimat" zur deutschen Literatur (F IN: Ich und der/die Andere in der russischen Literatur. Zum problem von Identitd.t und Alteritd.t in den Selbst- und Fremdbildern des 20. Frankfurt am main, Berlin, Bern, New York, Paris, Wien. to /.Tyue literary self-idenditication - Lev Lunts as russian writer and Jew. and its parallels with German literature, F IN: Jewish Studies At the Central European University II Andor, Jewish Studies Project, CEU, Budapest, 2002. Szerkesztette Het1.nyi Zsuzsa, Budapest, 2002. to /.Tyue history of Russian Literature from of 1941 until our days. Het1.nyi, written with co -authors. Figure-likovi Isaaka Babelja IN: Vizualnost. Filosofski fakultet, Naklada Slap, Zagreb 2003. /.Idea and figure, abstraction in the visual. Tanulmb.nyok a hatvan1.ves Kovb.cs B.rpb.d to /.Imre Kertesz and his novel. Skaz and skaz-narrators the Red Cavalry./Russian Studies in literature and in history of Culture at budapest University. A book of contributions representing scholars at elte,   published for the Year of Hungarian Culture in russia, 2005. Editor in chief Het1.nyi Zsuzsa. "Szabad ts.tletek..." Sz?.ke Gyq.rgy barb.taitu.l 1.s tann.tvb.nyaitu.l. An approach to the Eroticism in dance play Bartu.k: Tanulmb.nykq.tet Sz?.ke Gyq.rgy Egyetemi Tanb.r, Miskolc 2005 szerkesztette Kabdebu Lu.rb.nt, Ruttkay Helga, Szabu.n1 Huszb.rik Mb.rta Miskolci Egyetem, Irodalomtudomb.nyi Doktori iskola, Szabu L?.rinc Kutatu.m?.hely, Miskolc 2005. In the honour of Lena Szilard'.s 70th birthday, Budapest to /.Iche, Lethe, Puddle: "the bridge over the river". In: Central and East European Jews at the Crossroads of Tradition and Modernity. Proceedings of International Conference of the Lithuanian Institute of History and the center for the Studies of the Culture and History of East European Jews. The Mind Does Not Hold Possession Of Knowledge ". The Child Perspective As a narrative Method In the Hungarian Literature On Shoa Acta Universitatis Szegediensis, Dissertationes Slavicae THE XXIV. Tanulmb.nykq.tet Sz?.ke Gyq.rgy Egyetemi Tanb.r (Andrei Sobol as russian-Jewish writer). Le corps de l'1.criture dans la modernit1 slave. to /.tyue same as the previous item in hungarian/. Messianisztikus forradalomvb.rb.s a szb.zad eleji orosz irodalomban.             of /.Messianich expectations in the Russian revolutionary ideas and literature/. 1.s - Tamara Ivanova memob.rkq.tet1.r?.l (recenziu). The interaction in concepts of Revolution, State           and Church at zam'.atin/. The problems of poetics in the literature of 19th century Russian realism/. to /.Mytyu in literature from Joyce to Bulgakov/. Review on the joint edition of articles by the University of Leningrad and the          University of Budapest/.             to /.Tyue problem of the poliphonic narrator in babel's. On the structure of the motifs in babel's short story.             of /.A review of the articles on Blok's poetry and on Russian literature at the      beginning of the 20th century/ "" Up "and" down ", Madonna and Prostitute: The Role Of Ambivalence In. "Fenn" 1.s "lenn", Madonna 1.s - az ambivalencia  Babel "Lovashadsereg"-1.ben.             to /.tyue same as the previous item in hungarian/.             to /".Tyue most important is the change within. Het1.nyi Zsuzsa - Shimon Markish: Isaac Babel. A totalitb.rius tb.rsadalom indiszkr1.t             to /.Tyue tactless awkwardness of totalitarian society - on Georgian cinematic art/.             to /.Tyue specificity of Babel's skaz-texts/.             /.on a new translation of Pushkin's Ievgenii Onegin/. A mened1.k metaforb.i Platonov h?.seinek b.lmaiban.             to /.Tyue metaphors of shelter and safety in the dreams of Platonov's heroes/. /".A short course of plagiarism" - a book review/. Encyclopaedia of World Literature - additional volume/Entries "Joseph Brodsky,", "Lidia Chukovskaia", "Iury Dombrovsky", "Friedrich Gorenstein", "Daniil Kharms", "Konstantin Vaginov", "Aleksandr Vampilov", "Mikhail Zoshchenko".             /.reviyesh on the book "Jews in russia"/. The criteria of the double, X -Jewish literary affiliation.             /.Suchches and failure in jewish literature - Isaac Babel and Karoly Pap/ Az orosz-zsidu irodalom vb.zlatos tq.rt1.nete. A short history of Russian-Jewish literature. /.Idea in the image, abstraction in the visual. Dialogue, Doppelgd.ngers and other twofold structures in lev Lunts's.             of /.On the History of Russian-Jewish Literature/ A kett?.s kult7.ra allegu.rib.ja Lev Lunz elbesz1.l1.s1.ben (Sz6.l?.haza). /.A peak and a dead end of Jewish literature in "other" languages/. /".Do everything as they do" -.On assimilation, Karoly Pap and his novel. R1.vue des y.tudes slaves, Paris, LXXV/1. In memoriam: Szymon Markish: List of publications - List of publications/Shimon Markish. Order in chaos - Imre Kertesz: Fateless. to /.Some words on the translator and the translation - how we worked on the. The Deep Dimensions Of The Ideas. A concept of "figure by image" - visualization in the screening. From the TV adaptation of Mikhail Bulgakov'.s. Ou: o5 fuir le pr1.sent, dans le pass1 ou l'.avenir. Le premier quinquennat de la prose russe du sii.cle. Interventions au colloque international, Universit1 Paris to ya-.Sorbonne.  ".Ment- e a kq.nyvek b.ltal a vilb.g" avagy Hovb fussunk a jelenb?.l, a m7.ltba vagy a jq.v?.be. Did the world proceed thanks to the books. Or Where To Escape From The Present, to the future or back to the past. /".Do we need this man int he new society." The destiny of Jewish culture during the Soviet Era/. On Nabokov and Antiquity, Nabokov and Italy). The History Of Russian-Jewish Prose (1860-1940)             CEU Press, Central European University, New York -.Budapest, 2008. The Child'.s Eye - a pattern of Narration in the Literature of Jewish Assimilation. Isaac Babel With Some Parallels In russian-Jewish, American and European Literary Context Contributions to the conference "The Enigma of Isaac Babel" - Stanford University, 2007. "Three Serpents with Tongues and Eyes of Flame". The y90shch-.Pogroms in russian-Jewish Literature (A Anti-Jewish Violence: Reconceptualizing ' the Pogrom ' in european History, 17th-20th Century ".             Actes du colloque internationale, Lyon, juin 2006. Le code franc-maconnique et dantique dans. Actes du colloque internationale, Bordeaux, mai 2006             The YIVo Encyclopedia of Jews in eastern Europe. In print: Joseph Brodsky: Watermark = Velencei vn.zjel, Typotex, 2008.: Az alkoholizmus, A besz1.l? kutya, Bn.borsziget. Ivb.n Csonkin Kq.zleg1.ny You y.lete 1.s k6.lq.nleges kalandjai.: arru.l, hogyan utazott Hajim- promise Fejgisz Kisinyovbu.l 1.s mi tq.rt1.nt vele. (szn.npadi vb.ltozat, Katona Ju.zsef Szn.nhb.z, 1989, rend., Az orosz irodalom antolu.gib.ja, Tankq.nyvkiadu, 2001). : Ivan Csonkin Katona You y.lete 1.s k6.lq.nleges kalandjai.: Eml1.keim Majakovszkijru.l ((Szovjet irodalom 1988.: Egy film reg1.nye - Bulgakov 1.s a Holt lelkek - Naplu.r1.szletek (Filmvilb.g of 1988.

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