
Comic con

Sartre in comic country:: Paris Current events Enter the terms which you seek. Listen to l’.entretien with the director of Jean-Paul Tribout a couple of tramps has just saved drowning an unknown which claimed to finish some while jumping of the close bridge. Hardly they drew it out of water that this one exclaims: «..bande of cons.». The tone is given, the presentations are made. Thus, that one does not mistake: the political world does not reveal its hidden face and its dirty hands under the black angle of disillusion. Again illustrating the talents of dialogists of his author, the part milked with humour of the topic of the instability of the human identity. With through the mare and the tribulations of its hero, it is a gallery of portraits which ravel. Or, it becomes Nekrassov, escaped Soviet minister of its country, with the eyes of various policies and schemers. It gives to see per moment what it is really: George de Valera, swindler of great scale, poet of mystification, genius of the century according to the inspector resigned launched to its cases. It acts of an idea founder of the?uvre of Jean-Paul Sartre.: the man plays several roles which it adapts according to the company and to the glance in front of which it appears. He is not the same one according to the context, the hour and the moment. Those let go and come one brewed characters who are agitated so much that one is deceived, that one forgets the real and restricted number of it actors. It reigns an atmosphere of black series, perverted light comedy. This shift mild nutter would evoke almost certain burlesques images of the pink Panther way Peter Sellers. Since the writing of this part and the cold war, the political world changed, its image aussi..».), whose circling rate/rhythm recalls per moment the dishevelled light comedies of Feydeau (famous doors, still). The setting in scene has even recourse to the process of the idle for mimer a final scuffle. The broken up movement accentuates at the same time the comic and aesthetic effect: the brawl more is enjoyed. This part is a formidable play of musical chair, with clean as with illustrated, concept that the revolving chairs materialize in the decoration. A true team work all things considered, with a pallet of first roles camped without caricature, with a sincere conviction. The title role which carries the part from beginning to end distinguishes: the young person Eric Verdin insufflates with his character all the bad faith, the roublardise and the class necessary. The swindler is known as brilliant and one believes in it. Eric Verdin incarnates all the regard and clearness that George de Valera has itself. «..La life, it is a panic in a theatre in flame: the exit... » is sought. or how to joke and make laugh starting from the depth. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. 30 - Thursday with 19 H - Saturday 16 H - Slackening: Sunday and Monday Price of the places: 23 euros. reduced tariffs: 16 euros. high-school pupils, - 26 years, unemployed: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 11 euros and Friday and Saturday: 16? To be informed of the last current events of Paris you free with the newsletter register "Paris Current events".

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