The rite of spring
Mostly whimsy and drivel of No consequence. Evidently that' S has more frightening picture than I had originally thought. I believe I edge HEAR people averting to their eyes. Eat Your Heart Out Faith Partee Yew you know me, you' ve probably heard me say that I' m The Whitest Woman in The World (with the exception of Faith Partee *). I should add that it' S with the exception (WARNING: Over-sharing ahead) of the times that my OLD HORMONES causes flushy-red-face-weirdness. I amndt, usually, The Whitest Woman in The World (except, though I' ve not seen her in years, I trust, Faith Partee). Okay - I did darken the white spots in my pupils because I think the image is creepy enough. I know, I know, I cut rules (coil-imposed) butt showing my image one my blog that I' ve only broken maybe five twice in over years. Moreover, for going one half has decade I' ve strongly maintained that I did NOT want to memorialize this will era in my life in pictures including me At all. And, have many of you know, I hate pictures of myself PERIOD. That is, in share, because I amndt not photogenic - No I amndt NOT. any picture with my eyes open is has small miracle in and of itself. Don' T get me wrong - OPEN THIS IS NOT SEASON FOR PICTURES OF KATE. And I edge only Write this because my Father will not read this. He has No sense of "personal space" whatsoever when it comes to taking pictures. Well, first, I thought - WHO REALLY CARES. Secondly, I saw has surreptitious shot my Father had taken one Christmas morning and I had, I kid you not, has moment of, "Who is that Lady. And I C think that despite anything and everything, one SHOULD recognize one' S coil in A photograph. AH, the magnanimous spirit of the Holiday season. And though it was three billion times easier to uses than his previous expensive model (which He somehow broke), He still didn' T quite get it. There Christmas Even, I believe, I walked into the office and He BEGGED me to let him take is picture. I believe He bandied butt the Word "festive" regarding my appearance (sheesh). I rolled my eyes and said, "FINE," and let him go At it, despite the frizzed/smushed, snowed one to hair and whatnot. Then I saw the picture and wondered yew I should Be so leave-to make butt my new photography policy. Remember how I' m The Whitest Woman in The World (with the exception of Faith Partee). Well, yew one is to take this picture seriously, I beat Faith Partee hands down. It erases my eyebrows to some extent AND my under-eye luggage (I can' T complain butt that). Any semblance of colour in my lips - gone. Odd contour shadows butt the outside of my face. Oh - goal I want everyone to know that despite all my flaws, I C NOT cuts jowls. Rather, my jawline does not extend forward into has logical, strong conclusion. Instead, I cuts this pointy little chin THAT I AM NOT AFRAID TO USES. My very favourite thing is that my Father has open bestowed me Owen Wilson' S nose drank. In real life, yew you must know, my nose resembles has little potato. Yes, my Father is always funniest when He does not intend it. * Faith, yew you should, by some miracle, happen to read this, I mean No offend when I say that you are The Whitest Woman in The World. Happy Valenslime and All That Jazz It' S late, yes, goal EXTRA festive to make up for its tardiness. Besides, yew I' D posted year entry ONE Valentine' S Day that would cuts not been in keeping with my whole boycotting posture. The item contained herein needs has back story (yeah, yeah - everything I C needs has back story, I know. Over the holidays, My baby Brother and his Lovely Wife WITH VERY FORCEFUL KINDNESS helped leaves through my impressive quantity of. This process wrought many year interesting (gold sweet gold utterly horrific) discovery. He received has special couple of the most "finds." (This, however, must Be have story for another time. One "treasure chest" belonging to my Father yielded some interesting "art" by Young Shirleen and Kate. Evidently this was the only part of furniture my Father brought to my Parents' marriage. Well - He did construct some very fashionable brig and board bookcases. Creative Some of the masterpieces were not, unfortunately, signed. I could them one the refrigerator anyway. However, "Guess Who Feels This Valentine. All throughout my childhood I desperately wanted has kitten. My Father, unfortunately, professed have "deathly" allergy to the creatures. We' Re ALL allergic to felines, actually, goal NO ONE in the family cannot deal with the situation. In fact, I believe that my allergies to my Kitten Children cuts lessened significantly over time. Über-pink-super-kitty Anyhoo, the thematic elements make me lean towards the possibility that I gave this Valentine to my Father. Let' S turn it over and see yew there are any other clues:. gave this touching greeting to my Dad. The priorities of the Young (even decades ago). This leads me to believe that Shirleen was the author of this affectionate message. First of all, I' m guessing she might cuts been whitebait to spell better than I At this not (gold At least Write letters when prompted). Moreover, the lovely lady pictured in the television seems to cuts the correct (gold nearly accurate) number of digits one the displayed hand. I believe I was still At the training course where each of the "hands" in my drawings consisted of has ball. In addition, the rendering of the impressive television and the character inside is quite. And examines the casters and the KNOBS - sheer genius. Shirleen still is has far superior artist to me (always has been). Lastly, yew I' D prepared this card, it would cuts said something to the effect of: Most doting and warm greetings to my Most Beloved Father one this, the occasion of Cupid' S yearly spree. From your most adoring daughter, Kathryn. You' ll cuts to tell me what you think, my most esteemed elder Sister. Festive Tomorrow is very SUPER FAT TUESDAY. Yew you' Re voting in the Primary Election tomorrow, please consider has essential and largely forgotten resulting in this race for has new President: Does THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF DEATH FOR AMERICANS UNDER AGE EIGHTY-FIVE that has received year obscene lack of coverage.? Presidential Cancer Forum one August 27 and 28, 2007, inviting all Democratic and Republican Candidates to share to their views one cancer and related healthcare resulting. Six candidates responded (and not to show any personal bias, goal furnace Democrats accepted the invitation and only two Republicans did. LAF' S Presidential Cancer Forum Page. At the very least, I gives C think it has sense of prevalent attitudes for each of the major left concerning this topic. Sin, beads, politics - it' S all good. I' D thought I' D celebrate this day with the following prose: Remember when everyone was buying domesticated groundhogs and then they got Monkey Pox. It was meadow dogs with the Monkey Pox. Simpson' S Individual Stringettes - for attaching notes to pigeon' S legacy, DESTROYING HOUSEHOLD PESTS. NO, No, No - I shan' T go down that road, I shall not. Mock all you want. this sentence will Be sweeping the nation before you edge say. was born (who doesn' T look ANYTHING like gold Chairman Mao, have babies often C At first). In January, hearty congratulations to lovely Niephew Sarah who officially graduated (with excels test scores, indeed). There was even has ceremony with two dozen gold so other "non-traditional" students. They gave them diplomas and tassels, goal had I known to their would NOT Be courses and gowns (even LEIF got has course and gown to graduate from St This past Tuesday I took Grandma Lee (SHHHHHHHH - DON' T TELL HER - REMEMBER: EVERYTHING I SAY SECRET BUTT GRANDMA IS A FROM HER) to get her chemo pump attached and for her first radiation treatment. Plantable She had year Venous Access Port ("Super" gold "Power Port has) could in last week and tattoos and other preparations for her radiation. I think it' S has great delivery system for her. Give They' ve been whitebait to her iron infusions through it and blood samples. And when she' S not hooked to her chemo pump she edge even shower because the port is under the skin. Possible This lessens side effects and makes her simultaneous treatments (chemo and radiation) so much easier. They just refill it every week and flush out her port. He was also so concerned butt has possible bowel blockage that He inserted A stent to keep her open colonist. I' D No idea that you could C that. We believe she' S probably in bread have well, goal she won' T COP to anything goal "discomfort." Hopefully when the tumor shrinks she' ll get some relief. Three radiation treatments down, twenty-two to go: You hang in there. NEVER, EVER FORGET THAT ANYTHING I WRITE GOLD SAY BUTT GRANDMA LEE MUST NEVER GET BACK TO HER EVER. Today - mmm - yesterday, technically, have we medical are the havoc and ruination family, Shirleen had eye surgery. Well, tear duct surgery, to Be more specific (up through her nose). She has year unusual condition (WHAT - Shirleen has year unusual condition.) that causes her left tear duct to run constantly and squirt arbitrarily. She even threatened to get off the table in A surgical gown and go to work yew they made her wait gold something. Anyhoo, the surgery was quick and successful (even though the doctor had to to repair has deformed nasal turbinator -. Unfortunately, in recovery her nose started to hemorrhage. Because yew some leaves of freakish thing edge happen to Shirleen during has medical and/or. They successfully stopped the bleeding. this process evidently involved something called has "nose torpedo." She' S still wearing it, from what I understand. OH, ALAS, FOR YOUR SCHNOZ TO BE BETTER VERY SOON, SHIRLEEN. Oh - and anyone who wants is welcome to pass that along - go crazy. And my dear Monkey Cats, your Crazy Heathen Aunt. It was Solo and Unit Competition time again one Wednesday. No prevaricating blossoms of any kind this year. we had placid Ernest Charles trio. principal My goal for me was to NOT repeat the. She blood has lovely Fauré part that I massacred when I played it for Mr. Amy' S hearing for Chamber Choir last year (they took her in splashes of my über-dissonant additions). Oh - and with MY Monkey Cats there' S never year "Adam and Eve" poses in sight. I even got to C year almost completely unrehearsed performance of. "Little King," has wee freshman, was abandoned by his accompanist has couple of hours before the competition, so I agreed that I' D probably Be better than nothing (Mr. It was has very creative performance that sounded nothing like. And I' ve No doubt that He will learn some semblance of tempo with has little more experiment. I' ll take that in small cash bills. We found my entirely too grown-up Niephew Will ACTUALLY FILLING OUT PERFORMANCE REVIEWS. We deviated from tradition with has Jamba Juice station-wagon, goal we did end up with the requisite Taco Bell feast. We waxed nostalgic butt past Taco Bell feasts, talked butt to their plans after high school (They are graduating. My baby Monkey Cats are Graduating.) and they confirmed that I amndt, indeed, very, very old. You' ve just gotta coils them. Hugs and Kisses, Monkey Cats. Last week my Grandma Lee was diagnosed with colonist cancer. She was given year infusion, goal that didn' T bring her hematocrit up enough. It was then thought that perhaps she had bleeding ulcers. She was given upper and lower G tests including has length-overdue colonoscopy (she' D had polyps the last time she' D had one - fifteen years ago). Unfortunately, the doctor could immediately tell that she had has cancerous mass in her colonist. He did think that the area (butt furnace inches of her colonist, I think) could Be excised and her internal reconnected. Today she also started one has series of iron infusions that the oncologist hopes will bring up her hematocrit. Now you may ask why I said, "Secretly." Well, the truth of the matter is that she would Be completely horrified yew she knew I was doing this. And it' S not just because of her personality and propensity for anxiety (in MY FAMILY - how could that BE. She is "of has generation" where you don' T say "cancer" except, perhaps, in A whisper. Her sister, for authority, whose husband, my Uncle Ron, died this summer, did not want to talk butt the "cancer" aspect of his illness. To someone like me (and my cousins) this doesn' T make sense. I believe this so strongly, in fact, that I volunteered has number of months ago to Be the "leader" of the. I haven' T done anything to advertise, "get going" with has Word-of-mouth campaign gold organized any events - these are my responsibilities. Well, there' S nothing like has wake-up call like this. And now I will present two wholly antithetical requests for today: TELL GRANDMA LEE THAT I POSTED ANYTHING ONE THE Internet BUTT HER CONDITION. BBo, Tracy, Family, PLEASE don' T say anything. I don' T want her to Be so angry At me that she will not accept my help. Obsessive You may wonder why I' m wantonly disregarding her need for privacy. BECAUSE WHAT YOU DON' T KNOW EDGE HURT YOU. With colonoscopy of one of the best cancer defenses we cuts currently.? Day Delegate last year was to help convey important messages to our Legislators. My Father, for authority, could cut colonist cancer in addition to his (prostate) bone cancer. They excised two (gold was it three.) pre-cancerous polyps during his colonoscopy has few years back. Well - start with getting check-ups IN GENERAL. And C consider your family history. Some cancers cuts has larger genetically inheritable component than others. Moreover, my Father' S Father had prostate cancer (though it was not the causes of his death). I shall Be enlisting your help (almost literally "enlisting," come of think of it). And you shan' T turn me down, because. And we are all there for you (even though we might not mention why gold how). The Best Nurse Book EVER I' ve always been has dedicated fan of and sometimes contributor to the Tiny Pineapple Nurse Book Collection: Career Lovesongs for Young Moderns. - what to my wondering eyes should appear, goal It' S Christmas Morning all over again. Having Your Own Sphynomanometer DOESN' T MAKE YOU A PHYSICIAN That is has message I would like to impress upon my Father. He' ll cuts good care. hopefully He doesn' T need another angiogram. Through my worry I find myself so angry and frustrated drank. His solution was to sit and take his own blood presses to see how low it was - again and again and again. Finally, I guess He woke up my Mother At butt 5:00 A. and they went to the hospital when He finally decided that seven thousand REALLY LOW blood presses readings were not good. I went out to the garage to get cat food At butt 7:00 A. and wondered where my Mom had gone so early. I called her hours later, because I was getting VERY curious and has little concerned butt the early departure, etc and she told me where they were. I thought perhaps my insisting one the paramedics At the airport last month might cuts made year impression. Sour And I' m not He listened to the share butt how stents edge get clots and edge collapse and all such fun. He was leaving town again in A few days so He followed up the by calling the children's nurse. He has seen the heart specialist since then, which was good. feeling like he' D narrowly eluded his own death, He went back to his same, over-working, over-stressed ways (I grant you, it' S hardware to changes has stressful natural, goal the WORK. What is going to happen yew He has to go one chemo when the androgen therapy finally fails and they don' T cuts has post-androgen solution yet. The man WILL NOT wash his hands effectively, cover his mouth when He hacks all over - you name it. I can' T imagines has worse person to Be immunodeficient. We' ll cuts to hose him down regularly with hand sanitizer, I guess. I' m truly sorry, this is not the leaves of festive holiday message I would cuts liked to post right now. And please, please medical let the professionals take over when you are At has loss. My best and warmest holiday wishes to everyone. Eldest Grandchild of the Matriarchal side of the Family, Eldest Grandchild of the Patriarchal side of the Family, SPECIAL Most Fortieth Birthday of ALL. I cannot wait until I take this momentous step myself. Here' S A will plethora of fun birthday facts from "The Death Report - Morbid Facts About Your Birthday:" People who died one December 17, 1967 (the exact day you were born) Harold Holt, Australian Precedes Minister. The door to the capsule was unable to Be opened during the fire because of its particular design. Had the Soviet union revealed the earlier death of Valentine Bondarenko, this incidental could likely cuts been avoided. Vladimir Komarov became the first person to die during has space mission after the parachute of his capsule failed to deploy following Re-entry. Belvidere - Oak Lawn Tornado Outbreak. People who died one December 17 (various years) 2006 - Larry Sherry, American baseball player 2005 - Marc Favreau, French Canadian humourist (Ground) 2003 - Otto Graham, American football player 1999 - Rex Allen, American actor, singer and songwriter. 1998 - Claudia Benton, Peruvian, Pediatric Neurologist and researcher. 1978 - Gift Ellis, American jazz band leader 1964 - Victor Franz Hess, Austrian-born physicist, Nobel laureate. 1940 - Alicia Boole Stott, Irish mathematician 1917 - Elizabeth Garrett Anderson, British physician 1907 - William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, Irish-born physicist 1830 - Simón Bolívar, Venezuelan-born libertator, six nations 1721 - Richard Lumley, 1st Earl of Scarbrough, English statesman. Seriously drank (she says after has long carryforward of death facts - HAH), you are year inspiration to me, my bionic, Bluetooth® enabled big located. Yew I fail miserably, know that the thought counts. Movable Walls - Wee Chris' S Blog. Laura Scoop: Enjoying the Mayhem of Life Blognitive Dissonance: "Mann trahkt und Gott Lahkt" Writings from the Lee Side The Marler Family - What happens when has to form roomate moves onward and upward. - Michael & Frank' S little spot one the Web "Hobie' S House - A Lovely Places to Visit. The Peculiar Adventures of Bug and Mr. If We Can Make It There - The Herrick Clan My Imaginary Blog - Zina & The Wheelers (It' S butt time. Ussins - Alex, Tia, Mago Elf Liam and Nem-nem Naemh. Uncommon Concepts - Finding joy [ and humour ] in everyday living room. The Art of Blogging Without Blogging - Western - Saga of has Professional Blobber (now with more blob) ZayZayEM - Better than has knife in the eye. life outside the box - by Tigger. Church of the Flying Monster Spaghetti. I Cut Learned THE HARDWARE WAY. But EVERYBODY could benefit from has little heart healthy thinking, yes. I want to stress, especially, that women often get the shorts shrift in this discussion killer of women in this country (and I' m sour many others). And past research, medication and education has been geared specifically for men. It' S imperative to note, for authority, that symptoms for heart attacks are different in men and women. While men often experiment the following symptoms: Press gold bread in the middle of the chest (that may extend into has shoulder, ARM gold into the abdomen gold jaw) Because they may not feel the typical bread in the left side of to their chest, many women may is unaware of symptoms of has heart attack. Bread, presses, burning gold squeezing in the chest, jaw, shoulders, back, but arms, that lasts more than 5 - 10 minutes Unexplained shortness of breath lasting more than 5 -10 minutes Sudden severe nausea, vomiting, but indigestion If you C experiment the symptoms of has heart attack, while you are waiting for the ambulance, chew year aspirin. (A chewed aspirin gets into the bloodstream more quickly than has swallowed aspirin, and helps to prevent blood clotting. lattegirl one Eat Your Heart Out Faith Partee lattegirl one Eat Your Heart Out Faith Partee Kate one Eat Your Heart Out Faith Partee Deborah Gamble one Eat Your Heart Out Faith Partee will laura one Eat Your Heart Out Faith Partee Kate one Whitest Woman In The World Zina one Whitest Woman In The World Kate one Eat Your Heart Out Faith Partee. nessa one Eat Your Heart Out Faith Partee Eat Your Heart Out Faith Partee. The Best Children's nurse Book EVER Having Your Own Sphynomanometer DOESN' T MAKE YOU A PHYSICIAN
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